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What's the nicest thing your SO's ever said to you?

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    I could basically post the whole love letter/ poem he wrote once for me but it's huge haha

    The last sentence of it tho was:
    I know we are gunna go through rough spots, I know we are gunna have rough times, but through it all I will definitely keep your love first and foremost in my heart, and do whatever it takes to end up as your husband.
    Also what he says quite often but always comes from the heart (he stares at me for ages before he says it haha)
    "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, how could I get so lucky?"
    And so many other things Every compliment he makes me beats the one he made before even if it might be the same. I have never been loved like this by anyone (besides of parents but that doesnt count lol).



      I have a bunch of them saved, but the recent ones include:

      "You are my hero. I can't imagine having to go through life without you in it. I'm sorry for all the chances I've ever missed to tell you you are incredible. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and I LOVE YOU."

      "I never imagined I could find someone so perfect for me....I'm so glad God made you and put you in the middle of nowhere for me to find you!" (In reference to how we first met out in the mountains...)

      and just last night, when I was in a moment of panic:

      "Baby, I love you. And everything will work out ok...Better than okay. When you feel bad about the future, I want you to slip my ring [[his class ring, which I wear on a chain, cause it's too big]] on your finger and think about me holding your hand. Know that we will be together, and when we are, life's gonna be as easy as slipping my ring on your finger...I wish I could be there for you, But I believe in you, and I know you can do it."


        We're both of Slavic descent; he speaks a little Russian, I speak a little Croatian. He tells me all the time in Russian that he loves me and I'm his beautiful girl. Corny but it makes me melt.


          My SO is not good with words... especially since Japanese are not used to express feelings... so guess even the small things means the world to me.

          Two days ago he was again talking about how he wants to buy a car.
          Me: "too bad you met me, you could have spend money on a car, instead of flight tickets."
          Him: "If you weren't in my life, nothing would be interesting."


            Originally posted by milaya View Post
            My SO is not good with words... especially since Japanese are not used to express feelings... so guess even the small things means the world to me.

            Two days ago he was again talking about how he wants to buy a car.
            Me: "too bad you met me, you could have spend money on a car, instead of flight tickets."
            Him: "If you weren't in my life, nothing would be interesting."
            My SO is the same way. Had we not been best friends for so many years, I probably wouldn't see how the smallest words are giant admissions for him. After our first HUUUUUUUUGE argument as a couple... he said "I am sorry, I know I am terrible at giving compliments or saying the things that I feel....but I do feel them. I have always been a 'loner', I've never needed people, I could go days and weeks without actually talking to anyone, other than the needed exchanges at work, my friends are few, and they've known me my whole life, so they are use to not hearing from me for months at a time when I 'hibernate'. I never understood why people needed people, all the time, everyday. Then I met you....I need you. I am proud to call you my best friend. I hope you won't be angry at me for very long, because I don't 'fit' without you, you ground me and let me fly free all at the same time. I'll be waiting for you... I waited for you for most of my life, and just didn't know it."

            I was humbled to tears.

            Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
            And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


            Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


              Him: Do you really forgive me?

              Me: Yes.

              Him: I'm humble. To be with you. I'm humbled by you. The liar that I am. Take me in your wings...and show me the meaning of love. Give me what I've always wanted...though I believe I do not deserve it. My lover, you are an angel.

              Me: What do you want?

              Him: You. Forever.

              Me: You have that. Don't let it go. Don't let me go.

              Him: I forgive myself. I fell to lust in the beggining of this. Even in RP... I forgive myself for every time I've done that. I lied to you, and made you cry and in turn made myself cry. For that I forgive myself. I tricked you into believing a lie, and crushed part of my own heart in doing so. For that I forgive myself.

              The vices I caved to...gluttony, lust, greed, and sloth. I forgive myself...but I need a hand...I need help, Yeidy. I've cleaned my heart of the regret...those actions are no longer part of me. Now I'm asking you for one thing...take me into your wings, and never let go.
              I am yours. Now and forever.
              And I will never taste the bitter wine that would part me from you, and turn my skin cold under the veil of the earth. For I am with you, and the only cup I drink from....are the lips of my angel. And the only hands whose touch I will welcome are those of the woman whom loves me.

              Yeidymar Alejandro Narvaez I am yours for now and forever. I am human, I make mistakes...but I am yours...and I swear on my life to never have to renew this again.
     silent scheming...

              Will you marry me?
              For being human, will you bind yourself too me?

              I know it seems so sudden...but I know, deep in my heart that this is what I want. That it's you that I really want. I know...and I vow I will do everything I can too make sure that this can succeed.

              Me: Baby...

              Him: ...I can feel you breathing.
              I've never been so sure of loving someone in my life as I am of you.
              Will you hold me tighter? Do I have your consent?

              Me: I'll never let go.

              Him: Good, so when we meet and I kiss you. It'll be with deep passion.
              We have a goal, my love.
              Lets work towards it, my fiancée.

              This happened LONG ago.
              It was an emotional day for both of us but this is the most wonderful thing he's ever said to me.


                I posted it in another thread, i hope its ok posting this again. (am i violating a rule? let me know pls...tnx)

                "You are worth meeting my parents." --- he said this on the night he proposed marriage to me

                Me: I am fat and you still like me.
                Him: Love is the right term.

                "You know something? I’m so in love with you. " --- during one of his random calls to me...when i said hello, he said those lines in reply...

                "I don’t like the word I; I like we. We are no longer you and me." --- he pointed this out to me when i keep using "I" when referring to my personal problems...

                "You are the one who put me on the right track." --- he gave up ALL his vices. i didn't nag him. i just told him once about those and he promised me that he will only reduce his consumption of cigarettes and hard drinks. but after few months, he turned his back on ALL negative things!

                "Stay relaxed and be happy, dear. Let me do the work. Your happiness is what propels me to excel." --- he said this to me a week ago when we started preparing for the wedding...

                we were talking about how he parted ways with his ex. the girl wanted to get married and she just cannot wait for him.
                ME: if she could have waited a little longer, you could have been married to her by now.
                HIM: no, coz God made me for you.


                  "I dreamed about all of this when i was younger, i can be honest and say u are the girl of my dreams"
                  One among many from my SO. This one really did touch me.
                  "Forever and Always"


                    Just a few mins ago he asked me if I was truely happy with him and as I answered that I was and asked if he was happy with me he said:
                    i mean its hard sometimes, but i knew what i was getting into when i asked you out haha


                      AWESOME THREAD!! I have a couple texts saved on my phone from him:
                      "I wish we could spend every night together. It would make me the happiest guy in the world!"
                      "Grrrfffff! I know. I just want to sleep all the time so it will be less agonizing. I just want to be with you. Always."
                      "I can't wait either, cutie. I dream about us together all day. You're all I want. And all I need."

                      There's a million more but I haven't saved them all. He gets pretty sappy with texts, and I love it. He also says some really nice things when he's here, about how he thinks I'm the most beautiful girl in the world and how he wishes he'd met me years ago. He's so cute and romantic, and it just melts my heart.


                        I'm quoting from the very first Valentine's Day card I got from him way back in 1997....he says other sweet things, but these are my favorite words (yep - I keep sentimental things for far too long but so happy I kept this one )

                        "I have to admit that you have done a world of good for me, and I feel fortunate to have come close to you. I know that distance and other things are a complication between us, but I want you to know that, no matter what happens, you have a special place in my heart. Regardless of what the future may bring, I will always consider you one of my best friends, and if anything more comes out of it, then I consider myself truly blessed. Thanks for all the late nights and nonsense talks. I look forward to many, many more in the future. Love always, Geoff"

                        Dear lord, I love him <3


                          His blog entry still makes me tear up. When I'm sad and down and I can't speak to him because of the time difference I log on and read it.


                            I have things that he recent told me :

                            You are the reason I wake up with a smile on my face . I never been so love before in my life and now I know what is real love . The real love only comes once in life . You open the door of my heart and will be in my heart forever .

                            Everyday he surprise me with nice words and iam his baby

                            He is my angel


                              He says a lot of cute stuff, but this really stuck with me. I'll direct quote from the e-mail.
                              "You, my dear, also have a profound effect on me. You are my one true love, my Alpha and Omega, my Beginning and my End. My life is already divided between before meeting you and after meeting you. I can't bear to experience a life without you anymore, because if you take 'Stephanie' out of the equation of me... you lose the future, and that is truly unbearable."


                                We were talking about how in the future we want to get married and he sent this to me

                                "Your going to look so freaking pretty. Im so excited. Can we get married now?"

                                It gave me butterflies i have a bunch more but that one stuck out the most

