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A wonderful night

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    A wonderful night

    So I know I posted a topic earlier about my job situation, let me explain that a little bit (I think I jumped the gun on it). I went on Craigslist and there was an ad that said to call for immediate consideration. I called and was given an interview time. I came in, filled out an application, interviewed for a 'customer service' position, and left with the information that I'd be called that evening and they would let me know whether or not I got the job. I left, then I researched the company a bit. Apparently they do door-to-door sales. Now, I know I could tolerate that for a little bit, however, I shouldn't take a job out of desperation. When I finally did get the call and the guy told me I could have the job if I wanted my stomach turned and I felt sick.

    My friends said I should go for it, my family said no, I would hate it, so I shouldn't go for it. I knew Alex was going to get on video tonight, so I waited and he actually got on early. We talked, I told him the situation and he said, "Well, what do you want to do?" I told him I didn't know because it was a lot of money but it was a job I'd probably hate and it might keep us from talking very often and I wouldn't get much time off and, even if I hated it, I wouldn't be able to leave it for a while. His response was, "There's your answer, then. Don't take it." I told him I wanted to come see him and he said he knew I'd be able to but he doesn't want to see me unhappy and if a job makes me unhappy I shouldn't take it. then I told him there's a chance I could be hired as a babysitter for a lady at church. The hours would be much fewer and the pay much less. He grinned and there was a gleam in his eyes and he said, "I bet you'd love that job." We both want kids someday and, though I'm not too social, I do enjoy taking care of babies. They're so cute! >w<

    so we spent the rest of the night talking and I hinted that I wasn't sure if he'd noticed that we'd spent a lot less time together and he told me he has missed me so much and he has noticed that we haven't talked very much and he feels bad when we don't and that he wasn't sure if he should talk so much because in past relationships when he didn't have something grand to say or something interesting to spark conversation the girl would always make an excuse to leave or just vaguely acknowledge that he said something. I told him I wanted to talk, even if it was trivial and nonsense, because I like talking to him and he's the first guy I've been with who put effort into anything and that means so much to me and this slow smile started on his face until he was grinning and that was such a great sight. ^^ I love him.

    He's supporting me and he understands that it's hard right now but he doesn't want me doing something I hate just so I can be with him and I see his point. I mean, I want to be a writer, eventually, a published novelist who can support herself from book earnings. That's what I'd like. I know that's not likely to happen anytime soon, but I'd rather take a job that I can at least slightly enjoy and make less money on it than take a job I hate and make a lot of money from it. Besides...I'm not a salesperson.

    That's awesome that you have such an understanding and supportive boyfriend! And as for the whole job thing, I believe that it will probably be for the best that you don't accept the job since it is very likely that you will not enjoy it. I agree that it is better doing something that you at least enjoy a bit rather than doing something that will make you miserable, even if it means less money.


      Its great that your family and SO were so supportive of you for not taking that job! If you were going to be unhappy, there was really no point taking it!


        I think it's a good thing you didn't take the job - there's no point doing something that will just make you miserable. I'm sure you'll be able to get a job you love!


          I hope you can get something you really like soon!


            Hmmm I would've definitely taken the job, I've done something I don't enjoy before but when you make your own money and can control your own life it's so worth it. You've been takling about for so long how you wanna meet your SO, make your own money and live your own life - now you had the chance to do at least 2 of those things and you didn't take it...

            Getting a job is SO hard because of the recession, I think beggers can't be choosers at a time like this! I hope you can find something else but I'm sure you could've handled the job, you would've made 6000$ in 3 months and that's more than enough to meet your SO and after that you could've quit and do something else.

            I just hope you made the right decision and won't regret it later. I would take ANY job at the moment to have money, I don't care if I had to scrub toilets to get it.


              Well, the company also has a B- rating from the BBB and most companies have at least an A. The reason for that rating is fake/invalid employee contracts and bad customer service. decision wasn't solely based upon the idea that I wouldn't enjoy working there. That and the babysitting thing is almost a sure-fire deal. Like, the lady really wants a babysitter and her little girl is so cute and well behaved. I know it wouldn't bring as much money, but I'm more willing to take the babysitting gig over something that might give me a faulty contract and a job I absolutely hate. I'm also still going to apply places as there are several lawyers offices around my house.


                Well that's good news that you might have another job lined-up for you, I hope you can make the money to see your man a.s.a.p


                  Thanks. I'm definitely trying my best. And at least this experience gave me a little confidence. ^^


                    I think you made the right decision. I worked in an inbound call center, but they sometimes would also make us do outbound calls (meaning, like telemarketers) - I hated it!! Luckily, I didn't have to do it often, only when there were no incoming calls. As far as I know, a lot of these kinds of jobs are promotion-based, meaning that you could *theoretically* make $2000 a month, but only if you're really really good at selling. Friends of mine have worked in jobs like that and said that the best sellers earned like €3000 per month, but the average person probably only earned €400! You could have tried it, but why try something you know from the start you would hate?


                      I think it sounds like you are making the best decision. Jared has gotten several interviews from multi-level marketing companies who found him on after research, he realized that they were all scams. When you look for jobs online, you have to be really careful to avoid these kinds of things because if they sound too good to be true then they probably are. Hope the babysitting job works out! It definitely sounds a lot better!

