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overly touchy and sensative lately

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    overly touchy and sensative lately

    *sighs* lately i seem to be missing Denise more then i normally do, and it has made me overly touchy and sensitive, and i didnt know why but really thinking about it hard a few minutes ago i miss her like hell, a few weeks of visiting her is nice but its not enough, i feel like us closing the distance is close but i have to do apply for 2 visa's first one to get married stay for 6 months and get married then i gotta go back to the US after that is up and apply for a settlement visa. All of this should take a year and half to do, and i feel like its so close but so far away at the same time, i miss her, i love her, she is my soulmate and it hurts being away from her

    I get the same way when I miss my guy more than usual. I get very irritable and weepy. It's the downside of love, but the upside to it is you know that with the pain it's all real. Virtual hugs your way, girl. You and Denise have been through some stuff and deserve all the happiness in the world together.


      I think we all share that feeling with you hun *hugs*. I know that every situation is different but we are all guilty of missing our SO and I know I let it control my mood. I have had a really rough 36 hours or so and so last night I tried to pretend I wasn't being overly sensitive and just ended up crying and made it worse for both of us because I thought that with a clear head I wouldn't have gotten upset about it.

      Just talk to her about it and let her help you get through it. Will you still make the short trip before the 6 month trip? Cause getting to spend like 7 of the next 18 months together is actually really a great percentage. (If that doesn't help you, just tell me to shut up) We're here for you!


        I agree with Nikki, we all share that feeling ^^
        And I'll second what LMH said, you two have been and still are goin through some rough spots especially with the visa thingy I wish I could help you guys and make the stuff pass by faster.
        Keep your head up, girl. Think of her in that beautiful dress you showed us once and just forget about all the trouble She will be yours sooner than you think, I am sure of that. Time makes people stronger, once you've gone through all this you'll have a wonderful life with the woman of your dreams
        And if you need anyone to vent you know we're all here! *hugs*


          i'll only be able to spend a few weeks with her this time because they get rather suspicous of someone if they wanna stay on vacation for 6 months over there so i'll be spending christmas with her and few more weeks with her after that heh i know that Noodle and i know being with her forever is close its i have no patience lol and like Denise told me "your upset because your not having your own way sooner, you cant keep thinking like that or else things wont get done properly" yeah i like having my way and if i dont get it sooner i tend to panic a bit, which makes things harder but im working on it


            haha I know that ^^ Im the same way lol And it happend to me before lol
            My SO and I almost broke up cause of it >_> I was forcin it so much to go see him or have him here that I stressed myself out to the max and him as well lol And I've learned my lesson lol
            Christmas is soon So yaaaaaaaaaay for that


              We all want what we want NOW. But we already have what we want the most right? Someone who loves us no matter what.

              In the end..that is what matters.

              IT will happen. Focus on that.

              and now I will repeat the message to myself and take the same advice.
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
                We all want what we want NOW. But we already have what we want the most right? Someone who loves us no matter what.

                In the end..that is what matters.

                IT will happen. Focus on that.

                and now I will repeat the message to myself and take the same advice.
                lmao yeaaaaaaaaaaah you dooooo!


                  i've been that way a lot lately

                  i randomly started getting really insecure out of nowhere, and it was making eric and i fight more.. i think a lot of that comes from me losing my virginity to him, and knowing he has that one thing that i can never get back

                  i feel bad for acting really sensitive because i know it's not fun for him to deal with, but yes it is so unbelievably hard to be away from the person i just want to spend every second with

                  just try and keep your head up, and think about how lucky you are to have someone to miss


                    What is it lately? it seems like everyone is feeling this lately. Its gotta be the weather. idk...its crazy bad for me right now. I miss Mark sooo bad. Everything is making me cry..we had little kids come around our work yesterday for halloween all dressed cute and stuff, and i was annoyed by it. I HATE this. I need to see mark so bad. I don't know how to make it go away. I try and focus on the good things and what not, but right kids are gone...and its just me, and all i can think about is "what would it be like if mark was here" or why can't we just be together?!?! UGH!!!!!!!!! If anyone has any ideas to make this go away...please let me know


                      Originally posted by agentholli View Post
                      What is it lately? it seems like everyone is feeling this lately. Its gotta be the weather. idk...its crazy bad for me right now. I miss Mark sooo bad. Everything is making me cry..we had little kids come around our work yesterday for halloween all dressed cute and stuff, and i was annoyed by it. I HATE this. I need to see mark so bad. I don't know how to make it go away. I try and focus on the good things and what not, but right kids are gone...and its just me, and all i can think about is "what would it be like if mark was here" or why can't we just be together?!?! UGH!!!!!!!!! If anyone has any ideas to make this go away...please let me know

                      well as i said in another thread i think its because the holidays are rolling around so everybody is missing there SO's even more and that makes your insecurities suddenly pop up even more, even Denise's are starting to pop up again. I think we just gotta ride through it until it passes, but kinda glad im not the only one going through it


                        It has to be...I'm so irked lately. As much as I love this time of the year, it's completely stressing me out!


                          I even dislike halloween soooo much, yet I was so sad that he wasn't here with me. I guess its the holidays. And with me, he is suppose to be coming for thanksgiving...and does he have his ticket? NOPE! of course not! grrrr! So i have this feelings of wanting to be excited but in the back of my mind, i can't get excited....not until that ticket is in his hand..*sigh*


                            I'm brand new to this site, but I really connect with what you're saying. I notice I get especially irritable and emotional when I see couples doing simple things. Like holding hands or just cuddling. It's the little things that really can put me in a depressed mood. ((((((Sending hugs.))))))


                              Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
                              well as i said in another thread i think its because the holidays are rolling around so everybody is missing there SO's even more and that makes your insecurities suddenly pop up even more, even Denise's are starting to pop up again. I think we just gotta ride through it until it passes, but kinda glad im not the only one going through it
                              It is soooooooo much worse during the holidays, this is the first time Ian and I will actually be together for the holidays, and I still had a couple melt downs. Here is what I do my Scorpio sister to keep my head on straight.... STEP ONE...I use the very long list (ya might have to make a list which would make this step two) of why he's wonderful by reading it over and over thru out the day, until it annoys the hell out of me that he is so wonderful and not here. STEP TWO.... I make lists of all the horrid, soul crushing, mind numbing, ridiculously humiliating relationships I have been in when I wasn't patient enough to wait for the right person. Recalling every time I stomped my foot and GOT exactly what I thought I wanted, exactly when I wanted it, and having it turn out to be exactly the opposite of what I wanted, reminds me that I am an absolute idiot, destroy the list as dramatically as possible! (finding new creative ways to destroy this list is a personal contest I have with myself) STEP THREE....Flat out wallowing, in whatever I fancy(fyi, jello in a bathtub feels nice but WILL stain your skin for a really long time), about whatever I fancy for 27 minutes and 13 seconds (I tried 10 minutes but it wasn't long enough and 30 was too long and led to depression) STEP FOUR.... I curse the world in general for a good 12 to 36 hours(again sometimes 12 is enough but its close to election time so I'd need at least 30 at the moment) by yelling at the television, hollering out the car window at cows in a pasture(obviously this can be adjusted to whatever the current surroundings provide, just word to the wise....make sure whatever you use is slower than you and can't jump a fence if its angry, TRUST ME.... long story for another time), write viciously in my journal until I can't see straight, and then wind down with a good old fashioned pounding the pillows on the bed. Usually it has passed by the end of step four, on one rare occasion I did need a step five.... but I can't tell you about it on an open forum because of the legal repercussions.

                              Love you big hugs!

                              Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
                              And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


                              Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.

