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Buy/ Make a Recital Gift When Needing to Save Money for Christmas Gifts?

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    Buy/ Make a Recital Gift When Needing to Save Money for Christmas Gifts?

    This seems way in left field (is that right? I'm not so great with my baseball analogies), after my last post...but...I am thinking about gifts.

    I will probably post a Christmas suggestion thread later (as I found out that his package has to be sent by December 8th, if I want it there in time for Christmas and want to save some money by sending it surface).

    His final recital, I believe is on the 7th of December. So, I was looking at two of the floral sites suggested on here (and also looked at some of the local florists who turned out to be even more expensive). On a date, he talked about how he thinks it is nice for guys to receive flowers sometimes, too...and so I held onto that detail for future application (and a composition recital is a perfect time for flowers). The sites did have some reasonable prices, but then I found by the time it is exchanged to Canadian funds and you read the fine print about shipping and handling fees...then it could almost be double what the original price was. I know I keep harping on about the being broke issue (and now that I am on-call during the day, it makes it hard for me to just get some random 9-5 job to make money for the holidays...even though I am not called out nearly enough...and then I had to lay down a bunch of money for first aid courses, and additional checks at work at the same place but under a different umbrella...which is obnoxious because I might not even make back what I paid is very rough for me financially), but even the cost of ordering the flowers would be something I would have to save up for and likely have to sacrifice getting/ making him much or anything for Christmas. It seems, then, like two costly hits grouped very close together and I would rather send him a nice Christmas package (though, it is 95% likely that I can't attend his recital and want to acknowledge his achievement in some way). Do you have any ideas? The one I had thought of in the past is that we both have twin otter stuffed animals that we keep in our beds (I gave him his and knitted a little scarf for it...and kept promising to make other, little outfits for it). I thought that I could get some felt or broad cloth and try and sew a tuxedo shirt and jacket for his otter (I may face some difficulties, since its front paws are sewn to a shell...but I could engineer something with poppers) and make a mini piece of sheet music (I could even make a little replica of his work, since he has it up on his website). That would be really cute and I would have fun making it, but I am not sure if he might think it a little too cutesy/ it might be more something I find awesome than he would (though, he does like his otter a lot).

    I think your homemade gift sounds really cute!! He's going to appreciate the gesture no matter the gift, he'll just be happy that you were being so thoughtful.

    If you are really set on flowers, I have 2 suggestions.
    1. Do you know someone who lives by him? One of his family members or friends? You could send them the money and tell them what to write on the card and they could go buy them for you. That would cut out the shipping/handling and delivery fees (plus they always charge extra for convenience).
    2. Have you tried looking for a small, locally-owned flower shop? This is definitely going to be cheaper than one of those big sites like proflowers. Google search some small florist near him and call them up and ask if they deliver and what kind of bouquets they offer.


      I think your homemade gift sounds really cute!! He's going to appreciate the gesture no matter the gift, he'll just be happy that you were being so thoughtful.

      If you are really set on flowers, I have 2 suggestions.
      1. Do you know someone who lives by him? One of his family members or friends? You could send them the money and tell them what to write on the card and they could go buy them for you. That would cut out the shipping/handling and delivery fees (plus they always charge extra for convenience).
      2. Have you tried looking for a small, locally-owned flower shop? This is definitely going to be cheaper than one of those big sites like proflowers. Google search some small florist near him and call them up and ask if they deliver and what kind of bouquets they offer.

