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It's me "frozone :D"; it's been a while and this is what has happened.

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    It's me "frozone :D"; it's been a while and this is what has happened.

    Hey guys, i have no idea if you remember me, but as my title says i'm "frozone ". (i forgot my password and the site won't recognize my e-mail address to get my password back).

    So, here's what has happened to me during this time:

    I'll start with the beginning of this year, i spend it with my family at Miami like always and my girlfriend did with his parents and brother in Canada.

    Let me recall that both of our parents are completely against long distance relationships, and we know for a fact they would do pretty much anything so we aren't together (and it is not just a guess, i'm not making this up, it's a fact they hate LDR's with a passion).

    So as i was saying it was New Year, and we kept in touch with e-mails. The only way we communicate is through e-mailing and chat, since our parents would notice if we make phone-calls..

    On January my SO got involved into a car accident, she spent the next 4 months in a coma. It's a miracle she's still alive.. Her brother got injured but he's a big guy (literally, he's 7'4 and he can bench press 700 pounds, the guy puts me to shame lol) so he recovered well and his injuries were not as bad as being in a coma (even though they were pretty severe).

    Well remember our relationship is a complete secret, so no one could tell me what happened. The next 4 months were awful, i didn't knew what happened to her or if she was alive and i was obviously dead worried about her. I went to the process of denial, depression and finally acceptance that she was not in my life any more. And i started to focus all my time and energy into becoming a better basketball player to make it big in college (i promised her i would do that if something happened to her).

    So, after the 4 months she contacted me. It was a very surreal momment to tell you the truth n__n (btw, she already gave me enough proof she was in a coma, so please don't come tell me i shouldn't just believe on anything she tells me lol).

    Well after that, all i can say is that i've never enjoyed so much spending time with her and just being grateful i can get e-mails from her and chat with her. I remember how i used to be so ungrateful because our LDR wasn't like every one else, we can't make phone-calls and nearly can't webcam; i can't send her packages through the mail or anything. I guess you really do value things when you loose them..

    So, back to my story. Now we have decided we have to do something about our relationship, we're completely fed up of keeping us a secret. Since i just finished High-school now i just need to wait for her to do so (she will be done in january due to her car accident). So, after she's done with High school we're planning to tell our parents and <finally> meet. We know her parents will pretty much kick her out of her home. I know my parents will oppose to our LDR but at the same time i know they would learn to deal with it if i go away from home because i'm not allowed to be with her. Now i know what ya'll are thinking "how are you gonna pay the rent, studies and food!". well it happens to be that my girlfriend does modeling and she can make enough money for us (seriously, in 1 days he can make what i would earn in a month..), plus her grandfather already has the money for all her university education. I told her i didn't wanted to be a burden, that since i'm useless bringing money to what would be our place i rather wait until we're done with University (in 4-5 bloody years), but we both agree that we can't keep this a secret for 4-5 more years of University studies, and she managed to convince me i'm not a burden... (umm i would get a very shitty low paying job anyways).
    And i know the "well, how are you too going to stay in the same country without something happening and making one of you go back to your country". well we've decided we can marry and live in France (she's french), it's way better than the third world country in which i currently live.

    That's our plan in case our parents don't allow us to be together, it's pretty much our last resource. i know it sounds crazy but it can be done. we just want to meet a couple of times (she will come to my country to meet my family and i will go to her country a month or so later) before we do this so we can be sure that "we got the chemistry and stuff in real life too" (i've read a lot of you say the same before).

    so there you go, right now she's finishing High-school and after that we'll tell our parents. Oh, and btw my siblings (older married sister, and younger brother) already told me they will support me, and my SO's <only> brother is supportive with us after he saw how loyal i have been (well only they know about us lol..)

    so i know some people will see a flaw to our plan, some will hate it, some will love it. feel free to give me some feedback and ideas if you want to. and i'm happy to talk to you again lol

    ooh and the whole point of why i wrote this thread is because i am here to tell you something: ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN SO JUST BE GRATEFUL YOU HAVE SOME ONE THAT LOVES YOU. (sorry about the caps).

    wow! that is truly something! i'm really happy that things turned out ok for you two, and wish you all the strength and patience you need to make your dreams come true
    it's good to have you back!
    Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
    And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
    ~Richard Bach

    “Always,” said Snape.




        That is a crazy story! I'm glad that she made it through that horrible accident and you guys are back talking and planning. And I think it's really wise that you are going to do several visits before committing to the big move/marriage. You will really need that time in person together to see how things work out.
        I don't want to throw a wrench in your plan but have you researched immigration to France? Because it can be quite a challenge to get a visa here, even if you marry a French citizen it will take a lot of time and money.


          Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
          I don't want to throw a wrench in your plan but have you researched immigration to France? Because it can be quite a challenge to get a visa here, even if you marry a French citizen it will take a lot of time and money.
          I second that.
          I don't know anything about France, but if the French immigration rules are just half as strict as the Danish immigration rules. Then marriage is not enough.

          But besides that, I'm glad to hear your SO made it through and your relationship is going well.
          Yes, it's all about cherishing.


            Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
            That is a crazy story! I'm glad that she made it through that horrible accident and you guys are back talking and planning. And I think it's really wise that you are going to do several visits before committing to the big move/marriage. You will really need that time in person together to see how things work out.
            I don't want to throw a wrench in your plan but have you researched immigration to France? Because it can be quite a challenge to get a visa here, even if you marry a French citizen it will take a lot of time and money.
            thank you for your feedback, to be honest i still do not know all the things i should know about immigrating to France; i'm making a wide research about it atm (cause i'm on vacations and i can finally chill and have some time lol). but to me right now it seems like the most viable option, we might change the location of our plan depending on what we can actually do. so thanks about your critique, i'm gonna investigate that even more n__n


              Originally posted by BrownGummyBear View Post
              thank you for your feedback, to be honest i still do not know all the things i should know about immigrating to France; i'm making a wide research about it atm (cause i'm on vacations and i can finally chill and have some time lol). but to me right now it seems like the most viable option, we might change the location of our plan depending on what we can actually do. so thanks about your critique, i'm gonna investigate that even more n__n
              Good for you for researching it then. I am currently a "temporary worker" in France and even the paperwork/hoops to jump through for that was a bit much. I know it can be done but it's definitely a challenge.
              Best of luck with everything!


                Its good to have you back. Wow, what a story! I hope that everything works out and you guys can have all that your hearts desire


                  Wow thats an amazing story! Fair play for having the strength to wait out those 4 months it must have been horrific for you! So glad to hear shes ok, really hope your families realise how you feel about each other and learn to deal with it, they need to understand its your life not theirs! although they are allowed to worry about you just try talk to them as adults, and hopefully they will respect you for being open. Definitely research into all the info you need to move (visas, jobs, accomadation etc) before you make any rash decisions. Good luck and stay strong


                    Wow, i cannot imagine how hard those 4 months must have been. I'm glad she was ok though. I really hope things work out for you guys. Sounds like you really deserve your happy ending. =)

