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help :(

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    help :(

    me and my boyfriend had been together a year online and we have just met this last week - it was magical and amazing and it was the best week of my life...
    but now hes gone home and wont be back til february..
    i used to think i missed him before we met but its nothing like how it is now.
    i'm scared i wont get past this feeling - he left at midnight last night and it was heart wrenching waiting for the taxi to pick him up and today i just cant stop crying and i feel so depressed
    listening to voice recordings we made and smelling his shirt just seems to make it even more painful - not a comfort.
    i start back at college tomorrow too and im scared i wont be able to concentrate
    has anyone got any tips about what they do when their SO leaves after a holiday together? things to take your mind off it or anything, also, how long before you start to feel normal again? by yourself and also when talking to your SO back inside the computer.
    much advice and your opinions would be greatly appriciated, ive never felt so shit, hopeless and alone.

    awww honey *Huggles* i was like this a few months ago when Denise left, i felt very empty still do but it gets better, you'll cry alot but as the days go by you do it less and less


      Listen, it's going to get better. This will pass. It's really heartbreaking saying goodbyes, we all have felt that. And it is so much harder once you have experienced truly being with this person.
      I think it's find to spend a few days feeling sad and missing him. But then make the decision that you cannot be like this until February and go out and do something. Get back into your routines, make it a priority to spend time with your friends, busy yourself making something crafty like a present for your SO. Just find things to do that will help you get back into your normal life. It will get easier and February really isn't that far away!

      So cry it out today and then dive back into college and life with 2 feet!


        It gets so much easier as each day passes. Personally it takes me about a month to get back to 'normal' on the outside, and about 2 months to get back to normal on the inside... but its worth every soppy moment just to see my SO's smile in person


          Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
          Listen, it's going to get better. This will pass. It's really heartbreaking saying goodbyes, we all have felt that. And it is so much harder once you have experienced truly being with this person.
          I think it's find to spend a few days feeling sad and missing him. But then make the decision that you cannot be like this until February and go out and do something. Get back into your routines, make it a priority to spend time with your friends, busy yourself making something crafty like a present for your SO. Just find things to do that will help you get back into your normal life. It will get easier and February really isn't that far away!

          So cry it out today and then dive back into college and life with 2 feet!
          I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS, I myself am in University and just saw my SO in October for Canadian Thanksgiving only I went to the US haha I know but it was amazing his family set up a little thanksgiving for me! And he will be visiting me in Febuary as well for reading week. BUT NONETHELESS, yes it is so hard knowing that you won't see your SO until I am assuming reading week? And I also feel your pain of having to go through the holidays without him. BUT GOOD ON YEAH FOR LASTING A YEAR ONLINE ONLY! Thats an accomplishment in itself you will get by this, listen to music and cry, take showers, and cry, talk to your friends and family then cry and then get back to life and know that everyday that passes is one day closer until you will see him again!
          YOU CAN DO IT HUNNIE!!


            Hey girl, first of all, it DOES get better. I dated my SO in high school for four years until we broke up. We reunited again 4 years later - via e-mail - and basically picked up our relationship where we left off.. miles away, without seeing eachother. I felt the exact same way.

            I thought it was hard just talking and not seeing eachother.. Until we saw eachother... and he left. That was the worst. It's difficult, becuase you finally get a taste of what a "normal" relationship would be like if he was here and then it gets ripped away. I am in the EXACT same boat, girl! If you ever need to chat with someone who understands, let me know. It's a difficult process, especially at first, but it does get easier with time. I promise!! Stay strong!

            PS: Do you guys Skype? We recently used it for the first time and let me tell you, it has made those hard times a MILLION times better. Of course it's no replacement for being together, but it's a wonderful help.


              Each time you say goodbye, it gets a little bit easier. The first time I left to go back to North Carolina, I was a complete mess. But about a year and a half later, when he left to go back to texas on october 11th, we were able to control ourselves and get back into normal life a bit more easily. Its also good that you already have a definite date of when you will see each other again.


                I would basically just be echoing everyone else's replies but Imma do it anyway. let yourself grieve for a day or so then push yourself back into the things you enjoy. You will be amazed how quickly you start feeling more normal. Also, lean on those who care for you, including us here. You can cope with this until you've are able to close the distance for good, just have faith. xxx


                  Our first three goodbye's were probably the worse, but then we started getting the hang of it. Now, it probably takes me a week to feel "normal," but it always takes us several weeks to get back used to being LDR.

                  Being busy always helps a ton though. When I have school the next day after a visit, I do not have time to worry about things. Whenever I have nothing to do afterward, that is a lot worse. If you like reading, you could also start a new book because it takes your mind off of it.

                  Also, remembering the best part of our visits helps me too. Sometimes, we have printed off photos we took on our camera and then mailed them to one another. I know it can hurt, but you just have to look at it in a positive attitude.

                  You also have a set date for when you can see each other next. That makes a world of difference. I saw my SO around a month ago, and we still have no idea when we will see each other next, which makes me get depressed. Make a countdown for your next visit and look at it periodically. In the meantime, you guys can make plans for the next visit together.


                    Every goodbye gets a little bit easier, especially if you know that you will see each other soon!


                      thanks for the support guys im getting stuck back into college work now and taking my mind off it. i only cried on the night he left and sunday, i havent cried yesterday or today. its weird how you recover so quickly. i have put pictures up of us together on his trip here, and im looking forward to the 17th of feb til i see him again x


                        *hugs* I'm glad it's getting better. Take a day at a time. I'm glad you have a date for the next visit set. Something to look forward to is great!


                          Glad to hear that you are doing better! I looked at your pictures and they are just so adorable


                            Just agreeing with everyone else! We understand. SO very much. As each day passes you will start to feel better...I know for me journaling helps me sooo much...getting it out of my head!

                            Take care.
                            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                              Hey! Well by now you have started classes again and I hope your feeling better with the days that have passed. In my case, we have seen each other two times in a yr and 5 mnths, we try to make sure we spend A LOT more time together than usual. I mean literally, the days after we part, we are online 24 hours a day on our mobiles. Even if we are doing something else we can see the other is still around, that "..... is available" just makes us feel comforted. We make the effort to make sure if the other one writes to reply as instantly as we can just to play with the illusion we are still side by side. (if u cant have ur mobile on u while working this wont help much tho sorry) Id try not not make it a painful experience smelling his shirt and such. It is! don't get me wrong, but try to turn it into a nicer memory of when you were together. Believe me when the shirt starts to smell like the rest of your house you'll miss having that so much more. Lastly we LOVE to re-step those days we were together for the first few weeks or the time the trip lasted. We say "one week ago we were here and there at this hour and did this and that" or try to remember what was playing on the radio when you guys were doing whatever and share that song. I don't know just my two cents. Cry it out, enjoy it out, share it out (my co workers just get tired of hearing what i did on my trips, but well they are there for something more than stealing my pens and paper right! LOL) and in case u didn't notice the pattern just get it out, don't hold it or try to control it. Do what you feel you need to do and it will get better.

