So I had it all worked out for Valentine's Day. I have Sunday off from work and then Monday is a holiday so there is no school. I had planned on driving three hours Sunday morning to see my boyfriend and coming home Monday night, only to find out today that I have to be here on Monday morning to work on a project for one of my classes. I haven't seen him in three weeks and I was really looking forward to driving to see him. (Because of my schedule with work and classes, he always has to drive to see me) How do you guys deal with disappointment when something comes up and you can't go see your significant other??
No announcement yet.
Dealing with Disappointment
aww im sorry to hear that you cant go see him. i know you said he always has to come see you, but is it possible for him to come see you tho so atleast you get to see each other? dissapointment is hard. i know with me and jeff i get dissapointed a lot because his scheduale is so much crazier then mine. so it makes it hard to make definate plans to have a date nite or have a nice long talk. i just try to think of this as something temporary i know that it will not always be like this. i try to just think of the postives.
i hope you can figure something out where you can still see each other. good luck!
For us, being international, things never "came up" because each visit was planned so far ahead, but I feel for you anyway
I know it'd be a LOT of driving, but could you make a day trip for sunday? It'd be hard, but probably worth it.Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person
i wish i could say i have this issue.. but since i live 2200 miles away and its an 8 hour plane trip to see my s/o we have yet to have any issues with disappointment in regaurds to missing being able to see each other. but there are other forms of dissapointment. for instance yesterday was my birthday. no one bothered to get me anything, no cake just a handful of birthday wishes from people i barely know. all of my "friends" are ditching me anymore. its like they dont want to be close since im moving in 4 months. it hurts like hell. he wished so much that he could be here with me yesterday when i was all sad. its that type of stuff that gets to us usuallly.
I was thinking of the same thing Zephii said. It's 3 hours drive you said, so if you get up early ... and come back late... i know you wont be spending the night together, but it still could be an amazing valentines day.
On the other side, consider yourself lucky, i wish i could just jump in the car even if it was 8 hours drive, and see him. But it takes 24 hours and 3 stops. and heaps of money.
take care and don't let stuff like that get to you... it's of course disappointing, because it takes away your time together, but you stil can see each other... even when some other time or for shorter period.
Trust me, I definitely know how you feel. I had the same situation...everything all planned out for a nice Valentine's Day weekend together...even had a temporary job lined up (I help my dad on occasion at his construction business) to earn some extra money for the day...but unfortunately, some events came up that derailed those plans very quickly.
I do consider myself lucky...we'll most likely be able to talk to each other online on the day, and we'll still get a package from each other forthe occasion...but somehow, it just doesn't feel the same.
In my opinion,the best thing you can do is let the disappointment (and all the feelings that come with it...anger, sadness, loneliness, etc.) run its course. It'll pass eventually, and you'll realize that there'll be other times to see him.National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012
Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year
3 hour drive is not that bad, you could still go see him! I know you'd have less time together but if I lived only 3 hours away from Andy I'd drive there every weekend to see him. Even a little time with your SO -especially on Valentine's Day- is so worth it.
Aw, thanks everyone for your advice. It really cheered me up. Luckily he was able to rearrange his schedule so he can come see me saturday night and leave sunday. I would have gone to see him but I would have had to go over two mountain passes at ten at night and I am a horrible driver.I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day!