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Saying I'm sorry from a distance?

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    Saying I'm sorry from a distance?

    Is there a best way to do this?

    I royally screwed up today by being a little bit mean, not on purpose, but after my SO told me how he felt, I realized that I wasn't being fair or understanding his point of view We made up, but I still feel really bad.

    I would make him a present or write him a letter saying I am sorry, but it would take too long for him to get it. I might figure something out soon, but I was thinking it might be good to know what to do if this ever happens again...

    Do you have a webcam, can you do it face to face at least on cam??


      Maybe send him an ecard??


        That is a good idea Thanks! I might see if he can get on it if he doesn't get home too late.


          I think the same holds true for a long distance apology as for a close distance one- nothing beats honest and heartfelt words, and if you can get him on webcam and look him in the eye at the same time, then that's all the better. Or even a message or an email, whatever you can do. While gifts can show a person that you're sorry, they can't speak for you- and most times when a person has been treated unfairly, sincere words tend to carry the most healing power.
          We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


            Best of luck!!!


              i agree with michy, sometimes sending gifts won't help. they're sweet, but they can't get your message across as well as if you were to talk to him about it. hope it goes well.


                I agree that heartfelt words are best, but if it helps, suggest doing an activity you know that he really enjoys that you might not enjoy as much - like say he loves playing a web game with you that you don't really like - do something that'll help seal the deal for you mentally.

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  Well, id suggest just call your lover and try to put as much emotion into it as possible


                    yeah just simply saying i'm sorry is honestly the best way to go. not through text, but either on phone if thats what you two have, or video chatting. when it comes to saying i'm sorry you can think up elaborate sort of cute ways to do it.. but the most effective is the words you use to express your feelings. just be honest and truthful, and tell him why you're sorry


                      I told him that I was wrong and told him that I was truly sorry...We couldn't cam because it got really late and we both fell asleep. He forgave me and whatnot, but he was still kind of upset about it today too--even though saying I am sorry is all I can do. I think he will get over it soon, but it just makes me sad and I had a horrible guilty nightmare about it last night (I have been having nightmares lately).

                      I think everything *should* be better though after we had another talk about it today, but I guess I will find out tonight Thanks everyone! I was just really upset. It honestly takes a lot for me to admit that I am wrong, so hopefully my SO will see that I meant it. I just need to learn to hold my tongue sometimes!

