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    ever since he got home. i feel like hes gonna get bored and leave me, he hasnt really done anything to make me think this but its just this feeling in my mind that i cant push away.
    we had the most amazing week together and were amazing together in person but now online im scared because you cant compare it, hes gonna wanna find someone else closer who doesnt take up his time on the computer and meet someone who he can actually be with and experiecne what we felt when we had a week in person on a daily basis.
    hes convinced me he wont, and its not so much him as to how i feel inside

    did anyone else ever feel like this when they met their SO for the first time? how long is it before it gets back to normal because i just hate this and i feel on the verge of tears

    It's the most horrible time. It's been nearly two weeks and I'm still feeling that way. You take a couple of steps forward in feeling better and then one back. Try to keep the voices in your head quiet by keeping busy with whatever you can find to do. If you have friends and family get in touch with them. School, work anything you can think of. If you like writing or journaling write you feelings out. Even if you don't maybe you could try writing things down and see if it helps somewhat. Try to find some extra time to talk to your SO and tell him how you are feeling. It starts to pass slowly. One day at a time though. Be kind to yourself.


      It's hard when you come back, but look - distance is a factor, but it's not necessarily a reason to break up unless someone doesn't want to work to be with you. And frankly, if he feels that way then he's not worth your time - because how much effort will he put in when any other difficulty arises?

      You have to find a way to let go of your insecurity. Relationships end for lots of reasons, and it sounds like distance isn't one of them for you when your boyfriend doesn't want to break up, hun.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        well, what i can suggest is to keep this voice contact a each other either via skype or by hear his voice...its just amazing. your partner's voice will tell you lots of things..whether hes happy, sad, upset...worried, you know, everything!
        just keep the voice contact going!

        and dont worry, if he loves you, he wont be leaving anywhere..

        but yeah, in order to have this control over things..i know how hes feelings, def try to talk to each other direct over the phone...


