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Can you guys help me out with my girlfriend..
Hi Scott, and welcome to the forums. We have a lot of people who are temporarily LDR or who were previously CD, just so you know, so you're in good company here. ^^
Anyone who loves another knows how frustrating distance, like any other complication, can be. LDR's are hard - it adds another degree of difficulty, yes. But look at hte bright side - your time apart is very short, and you'll be back before you know it. It does get easier. The first week or two is hard, because you're adjusting.
As for making it work - find the ways that contact make you both happy. Set up a routine for talking to each other and give each other some priority time. Soon enough you'll be home with some great stories to share with her!Good luck!
Hi, and welcome!^^
Don't worry, 3 months are gonna go by quicklyI know it doesn't feel like it right now, but once you get into a routine of texting/skyping/calling/sending letters etc, days quickly turn into weeks.. believe me. Like Silviar said, the first few weeks are the worst.. it takes time to adjust. But the pain will eventually become bearable, and seeing your GF on cam will be a natural part of your relationship..
I'd been with my BF approx he same amount of time as you guys have, when he went traveling.. next week he's been gone 2 months, and honestly - I can't believe it's been that long already! September was such a drag, but October went by quick as lightning, and so far November's been the same..
About her getting fed up with your LDR.. I doubt itwhen you love eachother, 3 months is definitely doable.. I mean, we have couples on here who've been long distance for 6 months, a year, 2 years etc.. And they're making it work beautifully! It's painful to be apart - that's the same for everyone - but if she loves you, she'll be there... don't worry!
Hey Scott, welcome to LFAD.
I'm in a really similar situation. I lived with my fiance for 6 months before having to leave. It was the same as you, I had already accepted a job offer before we were very serious and engaged so I still had to take it and I wanted to take it because it was a great opportunity.
You may hate me for repeating this but 3 months will fly by! Seriously, even with limited communication, 3 months has been totally doable for my fiance and I, and we just have 6 months left. We also are confronted by peoples judgements because we are a interracial couple. But who cares? Someone will always have a problem with your relationship for various reasons.
Yes, LDRs are hard but they are FAR from being impossible. Find time to communicate with each other, even if it's a a long phone call on Sundays and little text messages or emails throughout the week. You guys will make it work!
Welcome =)
The first few weeks of being long distance are indeed very hard, but as the others have said, you will adjust and in a few weeks things will be better. I doubt your girl will get fed up of 3 months. It really is not very long and yous will soon be back together. As far as any problems about race go, I say don't worry about what other people think. It's not their relationship. So long as you two are both happy then that's all that matters. Love doesn't care about colour at all, it's the person on the inside that is important.