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venting a little.

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    venting a little.

    My SO lives in texas, and I was going to help him come up for Christmas, basically buying his ticket. But his dad and "step mom" are saying we'll try. That doesn't make any sense! They don't need to do anything. He doesn't have a phone anymore because they can't pay. He was supposed to get one yesterday but nope, and Now he only gets 1 hour phone and 1 hour on the computer. I'm pretty sure they are just trying to break us up. They are so rude to me. and i have no clue why! I was supposed to know 2 weeks ago if he could come up and they are slowly killing me because they won't give a answer. and They treat him like crap. Make him do everything for them, clean, cook, everything! Now its 30push ups if he swears, and The dog ripped his clothes and he swore and he got in trouble. ughhh I hate them!

    What is your SO sayin? How old is he?
    Couldnt he just let you pay the ticket and go?
    Im not good at this lol Im sorry
    But I hope that they will let him go


      He is 16, alomst 17. He is pretty pissed they won't give a answer, and he wants to move up here.


        hmm maybe he should talk to them again and try to figure out why they dont want him to come see you.
        Btw if you would pay him the ticket, I guess you could also pay one for yourself? Why dont you go to see him?


          My parents won't allow that. I would love to but i also don't wan to deal with his dad and girlfriend.


            Honestly, at those ages it is gonna be hard. Neither of you being at the age of majority makes things like that a little bit harder than it normally would be and unfortunately there is really nothing you can do if they are limiting him so much.

            EDIT: Sorry, I really came off pessimistic as hell.

            I just meant to say that sometimes you have to consent to the wishes and actions of the others parents. It is natural to get upset with them, but the best way to go about things is to be respectful of their wishes and cooperate with them. It can sometimes work wonders for opening doors.


              Has he told his parents that you will buy his ticket and that he can stay with your family? If so, it sounds like maybe they do not want him to go--which would put him in the same situation as you in a way because your parents will not let you go either.

              I do not know your situation, but from what you said I do not see that as evidence that they are trying to break you up. Maybe they feel bad that you would have to pay for everything--that could be a pride issue. As for only letting him use the computer and phone for one hour a day, if they are as poor as you make it sound, then that might be all that they can afford. Also, some parents just don't like their kids to spend all of their time on the phone and whatnot. My parents were like that when I was younger. My dad has always been way too strict and he used to fuss at me for those types of things all the time when I was a teenager.

              I suggest that your boyfriend ask his parents why they do not seem to want him to go.


                It sounds like he's in a toxic situation at his home; I'm so sorry. If he's the age of adulthood, he can come regardless of what they say, but I guess it comes down to how much you want to antagonize them by going over their heads. You're in a rock and a hard place, and either way you go, you'll have consequences. Rough luck. :/ We commiserate with you!

                LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                  It sounds like his dad and the girlfriend are a bit strapped for money at the moment, which explains the minimized time on the phone and internet.

                  Has he ever asked, point blank, why they won't let him go? Because unfortunately, at the age of 16, there is still nothing he can do about it. But if he at least knew the reason, then he could work on building a case for them letting him go on another trip.

                  If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                    It sounds like his dad and the girlfriend are a bit strapped for money at the moment, which explains the minimized time on the phone and internet.

                    Has he ever asked, point blank, why they won't let him go? Because unfortunately, at the age of 16, there is still nothing he can do about it. But if he at least knew the reason, then he could work on building a case for them letting him go on another trip.

                    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                      Yeah, I agree with the others. At 16 and 17 it's difficult to make decisions without your parents consent. :/ If you don't mind me asking, have you ever met your SO? Or would this be the first time?


                        He won't be allowed to come up here by himself. But his family won't come up.

