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Distance makes the heart grow fonder...

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    Distance makes the heart grow fonder...

    Distance make the heart grow fonder...then we are all pretty fond of our SO's huh? lol

    just sitting here missing my love and that popped into my head.

    yeah it defiantly does *sighs* well im pretty fond of her heh


      Hmm... there's nothing I'm more fond of than him... I guess, hehe.


        Hehe - its so true. I think in the respect that if your willing to wait for something - it proves just how much it means to you.
        Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

        Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

        And remember....Love really IS all around.


          Totally agreed. You gotta to be in an LDR. It's not for the casual dater!

          I always wondered why people throw those pithy comments at people when you're in the middle of a down time. You know, like if you're missing your SO and you make the comment, some chubby-faced, Chipper Cathy who has no clue what it's like gets all rainbow smiled and says "Well absence makes the heart grow fonder!" Yes, because THAT'S going to make me feel better.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            That is so true!

            It's weird but even if my SO is over the ocean on the next continent it feels like he's livin just around the corner and I see him every day lol
            My best friend said that the other day, that whenever she's over and Im camin with Chris it really feels as if he's just a few streets away bein at home and not with us cause he has to study or somethin.
            I was pretty drunk last friday *ahem* and I almost called my SO to come pick me up cause I feel so horribly sick lol

            It's hard to explain but for my heart there is no distance. Whenever I get to talk to him, hear his voice, see his face even if its just on cam, I feel happy. My heart is in it's right place and it's whole.
            I am very fond of my SO, I used to get fastly addicted to other people, but with him it's something so special, so undescribable.
            We talked about it so many times and we both agreed taht there is a bond between us and with every day it grows bigger and bigger and keeps us togehter stronger and stronger


              i think if your in a LDR and you go through all the challenges and road blocks that come with it such as almost breaking up, waiting for visa's to be approved, your parents not approving or trying to sabotage the relationship, ect. If you can endure all that and still be together after all thats thrown at you then you defiantly were meant to be with one another and have proved yourselves worthy to whomever in the Universe brought you together.


                Well when there's nothing but time on your hands and the subject of your thoughts isn't within immediate reach, I say you either go nuts or you get an obsession problem. I think that's what they call 'fond' these days. /really bad 8 am humor


                  Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                  Well when there's nothing but time on your hands and the subject of your thoughts isn't within immediate reach, I say you either go nuts or you get an obsession problem. I think that's what they call 'fond' these days. /really bad 8 am humor
                  haha i love it


                    I don't really know how I feel about that. Part of me realizes, yes, of course it makes the heart grow fonder. It makes us miss eachother and value time together so much more. On the other hand, who the hell wants to always be missing someone and have such little of that time to value together.

                    I try to be optimistic and focus on the first part.

                    I currently have the stomach flu (YUCK!) and am missing my SO more than ever.


                      I really do not like those cliche sayings. I mean, in a way, it can be true, but there is also another saying that goes, "Out of sight, out of mind."

                      Both of those are true at different times. I know that sometimes I will just have this intense longing for my SO, which sort of goes along with what you are talking about. However, a lot of the time the distance causes us a lot of trouble because we sometimes have trouble remembering why we love each other so much (if that makes sense). We often grow distant with one another when we haven't seen each other in a long time, and that is something that we are always trying to overcome.


                        Originally posted by Bluestars View Post
                        I really do not like those cliche sayings. I mean, in a way, it can be true, but there is also another saying that goes, "Out of sight, out of mind."

                        Both of those are true at different times. I know that sometimes I will just have this intense longing for my SO, which sort of goes along with what you are talking about. However, a lot of the time the distance causes us a lot of trouble because we sometimes have trouble remembering why we love each other so much (if that makes sense). We often grow distant with one another when we haven't seen each other in a long time, and that is something that we are always trying to overcome.
                        I can definitely relate to that..
                        I never thought I'd be in a LDR, mainly because I didn't think I'd be able to handle it. So I'm actually really scared
                        I'm very affectionate and I honestly need physical closeness to maintain a feeling of intimacy.. It's not that I'm craving general affection.... I need HIS affection.. HIS touch.. and seeing him on a webcam just doesn't cut it.. I love talking to him, but every time I think of the 10.000 miles separating us and the months that'll have to pass before I get to hold his hand again, I die a little inside.. it may sound overly dramatic, but it's true..
                        When I commit to someone I do it 110%, and it's not that I forget about him - not at all - I just sometimes catch myself wondering 'what if the thing we had before he left was all a dream...... if it was all in my head..?' I love him so much, but what if we suddenly down the road forget why we're together? We're leading such different lives at the moment... What if one of us wakes up one day and spark is gone?
                        I pray that the next 4½ months pass quickly.. because although he's always on my mind, I do need his touch more than I'd like to admit.. *sigh*


                          Luisina I am with you ... my SO leaves thursday and is away for 4 months. So round about the time when he comes back is the time you will be with your SO. We can count down together :-D Im kinda jealous of all you guys who are seeing your SO's in a few weeks time ... you lucky things =)
                          Anyway back to the topic ... I need reassurance all the time that he loves me, misses me. I'm kinda a bit silly as I always read too much into text messages, thats one of my faults. So when a text doesnt sound as loving as the ones I am wanting I feel anxious. Then when I ask him its because I have asked that many questions he has had to cram them into 1 text! And I read way too much into his tone of voice when I call him ... its something I am working on.

                          Absence does make the heart grow fonder .... in the way that it makes you cherish the times when you are together but also realise what you have got.

                          Out of sight out of mind can occur, but the more you think like that the slower time will go. Just keep smiling, I try even when it hurts.


                            I was going for the aspect that if distance makes the heart grow fonder we are ALOT more fond of out loves than any CD relationship.

                            haha guess i didnt explain well enough but i enjoyed reading everyones responce.


                              Sometimes I think the distance brings us a lot closer!

