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Us against the world? Are your friends and family supportive of your LDR?

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    Us against the world? Are your friends and family supportive of your LDR?

    Me and my SO were talking about this the other night, and to some of her friends our relationship isn't real enough for us to miss one another or anything like that. The good thing is her family and my family are very supportive of our relationship which is the only important thing after all, and my friends are glad to see me happy and smiling so much

    So what I want to know is are your friends or family supportive of your LDR? If they're not do you feel you have to prove them wrong?

    it all depends on the day really, since they have met her they are supportive although im forever being asked if im done dating guys or not O_o *smacks forhead* and yeah i get the sarcasm of "oh brother!!" from my brother if i say i miss her, ehhh dont worry about those people who say that there would be something wrong if you didnt miss her!


      I have been really lucky on this side of things: my friends and family are incredibly supportive. Last year, my parents flew to West Africa to see me, meet him and attend our HUGE engagement party. My parents are always supportive of what I choose to do, but I think meeting him in person really sealed the deal
      My brother has only talked to my SO on the phone, but he is quite supportive as well.
      And all my friends have talked to him on Skype and they love him.

      I think the most important thing to gain the family's support is for people to see your SO as human: meet them on skype, see lots of pictures of them, or meet them in person. For a lot of my parent's friends, my SO seemed so foreign they had a hard time being happy for me. But when I showed pictures of us together and told stories about him, they could see that he was just a regular person and that we're really happy together


        My parents aren't so supportive, I mean it's not like they aren't supportive at all... They haven't done or said anything to try to get me to end my relationship or anything but when it comes to talking about my SO they aren't the most thrilled. I think (or at least hope) with time things will work out
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          Luckily, my friends have always been very supportive. My mum is supportive now that she's got used to the idea and she's noticed that we're both serious. At first she was trying to change my mind, so yes, I know how it feels when you're close ones are against you. I hope your SO's friends are soon going to notice how much your relationship means to both of you!
          How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!


            Our families and most of our friends are pretty supportive. We were CD for nearly a year before going LD, and friends actually set us up in the first place--they want to see us succeed.

            I've faced a little more animosity from people who didn't know us before we were LD, particularly my co-interns, and friends who it turns out have wanted in my pants. I've had a few guys tell me to ditch him because he's so far away, or just to go ahead and cheat because no one would know. And people have offered to set me up with men they know, for me to be in a "real" relationship or something I guess. It's been weird, but I've been leaning on the friends who do support me, so it's working out.

            If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


              I'm not sure if any of his friends in person are supportive. I know the few online that know about us are alright with it (sans an ex friend of his).

              Me? Hahaha, don't get me started. My best friend was jealous of me from the start because her last boyfriend (who was LD) was a psycho and she's the type who thinks a man defines her as a person. She believed he wanted to turn me ghetto and rape me and she believed I just wanted a booty call from a guy with a yard stick in his pants. My mom's racist, so right off the bat I got a 20 minute lecture about how my relationship was an abomination, how she'd disown me if I married him and had his kids, and "if God wanted us to date other races we'd all be one color." She tries, but she won't apologize for telling me she'd disown me nor does she quit making racist remarks about him and other black people.

              Like my Hatter told me in the beginning: "It's us vs each other vs everyone else."


                Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                She believed he wanted to turn me ghetto and rape me and she believed I just wanted a booty call from a guy with a yard stick in his pants.
                Yeah, that makes loads of sense. You wanted a booty call so you decided to put yourself through the trauma of an 8 month long distance relationship. :rolls eyes:

                As for your Mom, ughhhhh. I admire you for putting up with that. It's funny that she said
                Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                "if God wanted us to date other races we'd all be one color."
                Because that's pretty much the opposite of what I say (jokingly), that God must love interracial couples the most because mixed babies are always the cutest


                  All of my friends and family and his friends and family are extremely supportive Having so much support makes it a lot easier to maintain the relationship


                    Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
                    It's funny that she said

                    Because that's pretty much the opposite of what I say (jokingly), that God must love interracial couples the most because mixed babies are always the cutest
                    isn't that the truth!


                      Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
                      Because that's pretty much the opposite of what I say (jokingly), that God must love interracial couples the most because mixed babies are always the cutest
                      Hear hear!

                      If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                        We are both lucky to have supportive friends and family on both sides, it's nice not to have to worry about the stress of people you love not being supportive.

                        Madly in love with Michael


                          My SO and I were CD for six months before our LDR began. We met each other's parents pretty early on (as in, the first month or so we were dating) because our families are super important to us both, and it's important that we got along. (: Luckily, both sides have had complete support of our relationship and have continued to do so as we pursue marriage. We did, however, have to deal with some issues with friends. We pretty much found out who our true friends were pretty quickly because of the nasty rumor mills at our college. Oh well!
                          My heart belongs to a pilot!


                            I have found time has eased so much. We were very quick moving with our relationship..I knew I was in love and would marry him before I met him. People were shocked at first...but a year has eased everyone's concerns as well as meeting him.
                            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                              My mother (only family member I have) was supportive, as were his parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. His brother, eh, not so much after Rane actually left Canada. I don't think he was happy about that at all. :/ Our friends, no. Not one. Even fellow LDR'ers. Boo on 'em all.

