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Is it just me or.....

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    Is it just me or.....

    Is everybody on here including my relationship having rough patches??? It seems like everyday i see a post like that from someone else and its like whoa what the hell is going on here??? Me and Denise have been having one for the past couple of weeks including a near miss of breaking up, we didnt say it but i felt it coming after something happened before that. For reasons i wont say here November and December are very rough months for her, and i hate not being able to hold her in my arms when i hear her start crying it breaks my heart especially when she doesnt want to get off the phone with me because "i just like talking to you alot, and when i go to sleep i know you wont be there when i wake up" *Sighs* but what the hell is this? serously! its like everyday someone is having a rough patch with there SO

    Maybe the moon?
    I fight a lot lately again with my SO and somehow we are more aggressive against each other, which never was before D:
    Its okay in the end and we see how ridiculous it was of us to fight about something like that and make something big out of it, but hmm...
    i guess its because the winter/autumn is the time where the most couples break up i heard... and maybe the distance gets us a bit now :<


      well i know partly the reason is because we kinda were like this before she visited the last time, blubbering kinda fighting a bit messes lol and another reason is the holiday season rolling around but im gonna be there for the holidays. Plus like i said these 2 couple of months are rough on her anyway, or the planets are still being a bitch and retrograding lol


        I mean, not EVERYBODY I think that a lot of people struggle with the holidays and with their visits being so close but still seeming far away.

        Personally, we're not in a rough patch. Just chugging right along until our December visit


          Could be winter approaching..
          I know that, for me, everything single task I face during the day seems more overwhelming now... I guess I have a streak of winter depression.

          It's not that we're having problems or anything! thank god..
          but.. it's dark when I wake up and it's so bloody cold and rainy all the time.. it's just hard for me to stay positive when my surroundings are dark and sad, and the people I'm around tend to be affected too..
          Gah, I hate winter.. it brings out the worst in me.

          At least my BF won't have this problem Summer's definitely coming to Oz - and guess who's off sailing and scuba diving for the next few days lucky bastard..


            Not sure if you'd call my situation a rough patch or just a batch of consecutive bad luck as we don't really fight. I think our last tense moment was in July but it was one-sided entirely.

            But I agree it does seem the negative vibes are out there more now than any positive and a good few are grumbling their way through.


              well we can all blame Venus for this cause shes retrograding and has been since october 8th and will be until november 18th this is what i got when i looked it up "Venus stations Retrograde every 584 days for 40 days and 40 nights.

              While retrograde, Venus is closer to the Earth, and farthest from the Sun, although from the perspective of Earth, Venus seems to be conjunct the Sun. When Venus and Sun conjunct (actually oppose Heliocentrically) Venus becomes hidden by the Sun's rays. Her presence returns to Earth as the Morning Star at the ingress of Aquarius.

              Venus symbolizes what we really want. When Venus is retrograde, there's an opportunity to reassess what you attract by taking a closer look at your values and tastes; bringing your values "down to Earth". If you don't like what you've got, think back to why you wanted it in the first place; there's always SOMETHING you're getting out of everything you have, want, desire, or attract. If you can come to a more personal understanding of what makes you happy, what your social and financial requirements are, and how you need to love and be loved, you can start to attract what you really want. Since you can find yourself in the process of reevaluation during Venus Retrograde, it might not be the best time to solidify relationship commitments in personal or business life."


                My SO and I are going through one and it is killing me! :'(

                "Together forever but never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart!"

                Met: 9.15.08
                Started Dating: 10.17.08
                Been an LDR since: 10.17.08
                First time meeting: 5.28.09 - 6.2.09


                  Originally posted by My Hearts in Kentucky View Post
                  My SO and I are going through one and it is killing me! :'(

                  well you'll see him in a week and 5 days so hang in there! yours is most likely due to a visit soon you need it!

                  and i dunno about anybody else but come New Years im getting really really drunk lol


                    I think for me personally it is cold and miserable outside. Dark when you wake up dark when you get home from work, school, uni etc. Plus its coming up to Christmas, it seems a loving month for families and couples. So when your away from your SO things seem so bleak, because love is all around you and all you want is your love there. So its going to be a touchy time for most couples.


                      There's lots of extra stress around the holidays, and that can compound on people and their relationships.

                      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                        I think its just the stress of everything...and holidays add to the stress. Especially for most of us who don't get to spend the holidays with their SO. And we all know when we miss our SOs, we an get a little cranky and frustrated. The weeks before a visit are stressful for some people...especially if its been months since you last saw your SO. I think all of the stresses come back like it was a first visit. Will they still like me? Will it be the same as before? And the familiar feeling of knowing you will have to leave after the trip. Everyone just needs to STOP thinking and just do! Haha easier said than done...I know I know.
                        it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


                          We aren't going through a rough patch; we are actually doing pretty well! We had a fight last weekend, but we got it sorted out, so it only made us stronger.

                          But I think it is probably because the weather is getting colder. I read somewhere last year that more couples tend to break up or fight during the winter because everyone stays inside. That leads to being less active and receiving less natural light, which can cause depression. I think it said it is especially true for couples who fall in love during the spring because it is a big transition. We made it through last winter though, so I am not as worried about this one.


                            I don't think I'm going through a rough patch with my SO... I have other things in my life that's bringing me down which makes me want my SO even more and not being with him can make me upset even more, but Clay and I are doing good
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                              My SO and I have been having minor little arguments this past week. But it is really from stress on both ends, and just wanting to see each other. We were doing good seeing each other mostly once a month or once every 2 months but it has been 3 months now, and I know others have gone longer than that even! But it still gets to you =/. We are hopefully going to see each other this month!

