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better safe than sorry // how to break the routine ?

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    better safe than sorry // how to break the routine ?

    alright, hi everybody, I need some help.

    my fiancé and I have been together for a year and 9 months, he came here in france from colorado in september after 7 months without seing each other, we spent two amazing weeks together he even proposed :-D

    voila, the problem is that i see routine is coming, pretty fast, im pretty sure he feels the same way but he might be scared to face it. we used to facebook wall post each other all the time, and I looooved it! but he stopped doing it gradually, all we do is text and phone talk, all I want is to make the long distance fun somehow, I'm tired of being sad not being with him, I want him to surprise me as much as I want to surprise him but how ?

    I love him so much, he's my life, my world, my angel. I could never imagine my life without him.

    that's why I want to change some things in the relationship, to add some activities.
    if any of you have been throught an annoying routine then please help me!


    Ginie <3

    One way might be to figure out what you guys used to do (like Facebook) that you both enjoyed and say "Hey, remember when we did this? It was great. I wonder why we ever stopped?" and see what his response is, whether it got boring for him or he doesn't know, see if you can either start those up again or think of exciting new things to do. The site here has tons of great ideas as does the forum so you could rifle through those if you haven't already and see what ones you're interested in.


      Routine can be seen as a positive or negative thing. I for one like routine. I know that I will get a message on a morning and then on a night before I sleep. However if its deemed as a negative thing it can become quite problematic. Plus routine can be problematic as if what normally happens doesnt, then you can get agitated and insecure.

      Some activities to suprise him .... could you send picture messages? Maybe if your out doing something and really wish he was there, take a photo and then send a message as usual attached to it. This way he will receive your message but feel closer to you as he can see what your doing.

      I love photos, especially the ones from my other half. It makes me feel closer to him.

      I feel like I have rambled haa haa. Hope you find a solution =)


        I agree with Yorkshire Girl, for the most part, I like routine.
        But it's nice to do some other things every once in awhile:
        Check out this fantastic list:

        And there are also loads of ideas here on the forum: making scrapbooks, writing letters, sending care packages, etc.


          Michelle has a list of activities you can do together on the main site, so I would suggest checking some of those out.


            Generally when things got boring with Obi and I, I would think about what I wanted him to do for me, and then I'd go and do it for him
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              thank you so much for your messages, tonight, Aaron and I spent a while on webcam together reading throught the 90 ideas of the website and we found one that we like the message in a bottle we broke the annoying routine im so excited! we're gonna webcam twice each week, like tuesday and friday nights are our nights we might have a lunch/dinner together too when he will have days off. thank you all so much

