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Major road block in CTD

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    Major road block in CTD

    As alot of you know I moved up our closing distance to December 2nd, We got our house and turned on the utilities today but something very unexpected happened. I was packing up all my stuff and called for the moving company to come pick it up and they informed me they miss quated me the price. Origanal price 589.00 now 2700.00... I am having a heart attack because there is no way possible I can come up with that kind of money... I already called my Lawyer and am waiting to hear back from her but I told the people at the moving company that this has put me in a horrible position and I wouldn't have even taken the house. I don't know what to do... I talked to my SO and he basically keeps saying he wants his stuff which is pissing me off... At this point I just think that I should just store as much as possible at my sisters house and pick it up next Nov, ship what I can and buy all new things and when I say new I really mean all used stuff. I refuse to pay for a house that I can't even live in.... I am going to see what my lawyer has to say but if nothing gets resolved I am selling everything and starting over... If my SO wants his stuff that's on him to figure it out. Am I wrong for saying this? Is there a solution I haven't thought of? I don't know what else I can do...

    Get some more quotes, see if you can get one at the original price with someone else. A lot of places will match quotes to get business. I mean you have the original low quote in writing so use it to your advantage to get another quote at a similar price. It's worth a try.


      I decided I am not going to let this stop me and I don't care if I have to sit on the damn floor lol.... Soooo I just booked my flight and it's 4 days earlier then I was supposed to leave..


        Surprisingly moving scams have been rising, so be careful either way you go.
        "Forever and Always"


          Seriously, this is how out of the loop I have been! You are moving there?! Exciting!

          Have you looked into pods / movable storage units?



            Wow I can't believe that... I haven't been in your situation but just wanted to say I hope it'll all get sorted asap and you can move as planned. I'm sure they can't just change the price like that, can they??? I don't know what I'd do if I was you... Good on you for not letting this stop you!


              Originally posted by NikkiP View Post
              Have you looked into pods / movable storage units?
              I second this suggestion!


                I third the PODs, and definitely getting other quotes.

                How far do you have to move? Would it be possible to round up friends with mini-vans and pick-ups to help you out? (pay them with food + reimbursing for gas money) I mean, a few friends with mini-vans or trucks and a moderately sized U-haul for you to drive might also be a worth-while plan.

                If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                  We decided that for the most part that we will be buying all new and having somethings brought down by friends and family when they come down. I am planning on having a moving sale this weekend. I am now thinking I rushed things cause there is a million things to do and my mind doesn't stop for 2 secs, certainly not for sleep. I am seriously considering calling my dr. appt this sleeping issue. As far the company most of you suggested, Well lets just say they like to tell you one thing then say another. I didn't want to say who it was in the original post...


                    Originally posted by faith5x5nomore View Post
                    We decided that for the most part that we will be buying all new and having somethings brought down by friends and family when they come down. I am planning on having a moving sale this weekend. I am now thinking I rushed things cause there is a million things to do and my mind doesn't stop for 2 secs, certainly not for sleep. I am seriously considering calling my dr. appt this sleeping issue. As far the company most of you suggested, Well lets just say they like to tell you one thing then say another. I didn't want to say who it was in the original post...
                    Don't forget to contact the BBB about their unethical practices. I would also consider talking to a lawyer to see if you can sue perhaps, or something of the like.

                    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

