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Today-Tomorrow....Happiness is here NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Today-Tomorrow....Happiness is here NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had major hours to work this past weekend and it was so busy. SOO SOO busy. But the money is great and now I am officially ON VACATION. I have a week off My ex is in Conneticut for work so I had to take time off anyway because that is where the kids go when I work. So it works out perfectly that the love is coming to see me this week, while I have time off. He will get here tomorrow evening sometime. Then Thursday the kids have no school so we can all just do whatever and Friday they go to school so he and I have a day BY OURSELVES. This hasn't happened in 6 months...since the last time he was here. I have done the last 3 visits/drives there. I am sooo excited for him to be here in my home. My town. It is just so nice to have him here. Then Saturday the kids go with ex so we have a day and a night (bow chica bow wow)....alone.

    I am just happy. We have had some moments this past month where I have just been soo frustrated at the distance and such. I NEED to be with him. For me to admit I need someone is huge.

    Big News for the day.

    After two years of NO TV.....Satellite is being turned on. The kids are excited..but honestly...they have cable at their Dad' it is I...the one that is about to jump off her rocker at the anticipation.

    My hair gets done tomorrow am...can't's been 3 months...and I have roots and lots of grey hair...ewwww..

    I am just content this morning. Very very content.
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

    awww thats great honey yaaaay *HUGGLES*


      Oh, that's so great to hear! Enjoy it all!
      How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!


        Man this is such an exciting time for you. I wish you all the happiness in the whole wide world and I hope the time you spend with him is magical!

        Enjoy :-)


          I'm so glad to hear how happy and content you are, my dear. Yay! The distance thing can really eat at your brain. I'm glad you're able to step back and enjoy what you have.<3

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            Yay!!! Positivity!!!


              Yaaaaay!!! Hooray for things falling into place for the time being!

              If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                YAY!! I'm so happy for you!


                  =) Awww sounds like you have a great few days ahead of you. I hope everything goes wonderful. It's nice to hear of some happiness after all these winter blues many people seem to have atm.


                    How wonderful! Enjoy every moment!!


                      I'm super happy for you! Enjoy it all!


                        Hooray! I'm glad you're content. Contentedness is good.

                        I hope that you have an awesome time this weekend!!!!!!!


                          Oh yeah Luce - some time alone with your Dan

                          ENJOY every second of it! And don't you dare let ANY negative feelings get in your head while you're with him! There's plenty of time to cry and be down after he's gone ♥

                          Tell him to take extra good care of you


                            Yay, I am so happy to hear this.


                              yay for alone time! >.<

