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Need to think of some thing special for my girl.

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    Need to think of some thing special for my girl.

    Hello again folks,

    I'll get right to the point, my girlfriend and I spent the halloween weekend together with the intention of taking my sister around for trick or treating, my gf was going to dress up to since she kinda on the petite side and could get away with it. Anyway long story our plans fell through cause we were unable to get transportation to my sister's house and we didn't end up going trick or treating. I asked her if there was anything she would like to do instead, and she suggested we carve a pumpkin and hand out candy instead to which we did. I thought all was well and good. That is until today it was brought up again. She is upset that we couldn't go out still, she was quite excited to go out, and is quite obviously disappointed.

    Which leads me to want to do something special for her that will make up for it.

    Now I see her next week, so i have a little prep time to figure this out. I just thought of this so my ideas are kinda blank. Anything you kind folks can suggest would be amazingnly helpful.

    I've tried to post this twice already. FINGERS CROSSED.

    Its so sweet that you want to do something special for her
    She seems like a pretty fun and enthusiastic girl, so why not try something like quasar, rounded off with a romantic dinner? I don't know where you live and subsequently whether they'll be a quasar place near you though. but if so then i think she'd think it was fun! If you don't know what it is then see HERE or even try HERE.
    You can do it with friends and is usually inside, and trust me i have been with a big group of girls and also gone as one of the boys! Then afterwards you could go for a romantic meal somewhere, to round the date off and have some alone time.

    If that is unsuitable why not try a picnic? I'm not sure where you live so whether things like that would be feasible. I probably have more ideas somewhere, i'll have a think

    Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


      Let the punishment fit the crime. Well, that's not quite right, but you will see what I mean...

      First, I want to say that (from what you have said), it is true that she may be a little disappointed about the trick-or-treating plans falling through and that's fine for her to express that to you...but I also think that you shouldn't have to feel like you have to do something super elaborate to make it up to her. In fact, you already listened to and followed through on the alternative suggestions, which were to carve a pumpkin and hand out candy--I would call that making it up to her. Of course trick-or-treating is pretty fun and even being a twenty-something and someone who could likely pass for a teen, I still kind of wish I could do it, but it really is still something that is meant for children and I am happy making other plans and...buying my own candy! I think you two found a good alternative to do together and, for future Halloween events, there are often lots of other things to do (corn mazes, haunted houses, parties, club nights, what you two did, watching scary movies, and...oh! Something like Trick-or-Eat, which is often put on by local universities or youth organizations--you sign up and get a map of an area and go door to door collecting canned food for the food bank. It's pretty cool, because you still get to dress up and go door to door, likely still getting some candy from people for you still, and you can feel really good about helping out a worthy cause).

      As for ideas, with the laser-y tag thing...I think it sounds fun, but just a heads up that if you do something like that, you should leave an ample cushion of time to get ready for the romantic dinner date (sweaty clothes don't feel good to sit around in and aren't going to kindle much romance, especially when a girl is kind of saying that she likes to dress up). I was thinking that many organizations throw masquerade and winter balls this time of year. So, at the very least, that means fancy dress and at the very most, that means fun masks with fancy dress! That sounds like something fitting with her plan to dress up. If you really want to be ridiculous, you could also bring her a bouquet of lollipops for her sweet tooth. Regarding masquerade balls, sometimes it is the case that charitable organizations put them on and they can be quite pricey and filled with old codgers who can afford to donate and pay for auctioned items (so, pay attention to who it is marketed to and how it is advertised). However, local ballroom dance clubs (I'm not sure where you live. If it is a small town, then it may be kind of sparse, but if it is a bigger city, a salsa club, or a university-affiliated club, it is likely that there will be a mix of ages and a mix of music that will be good), etc. often put on winter dances, formals, or masquerades--they also often offer lessons before-hand for an additional fee. Er...but...after I re-read your post, I realized that you have a week to get things together, so I am not sure if it would work out for this time.

