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For those at University: how does your LDR work?

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    Yes, Skype is a lifesaver has certainly made the LDR easier.


      My SO and I are both in school. I finish my bachelors in December and he will finish his MBA shortly after. He also works 50-60 hours per week. And our time difference is currently 14 hours. When you combine all those factors, I can say I feel your pain, haha. Probably the worst part for us is that we get different holidays off since I live in a Christian country and he lives in a Muslim country.

      The main question I wanted to address, though, was how it has changed my social life. To me, this has been the worst part of my LDR! I find myself so anxious to get some time to talk to him that I will stay in on weekend nights just so I can talk to him when he gets up. I'm officially known as the "old lady" among my friends. I wish I had done a better job of managing going out + my relationship. I still go out for coffee with friends, but I feel like I've missed a lot of the bonding that comes with having wild weekend nights together.


        Our LDR started because of my uni! I used to live in Australia, and we were just a normal couple, but because I wasn't a permanent resident going to Uni in Aus would have cost around $20,000 a year...whereas in the UK it's only £4,000 a year, and i get a loan to cover the cost. So I had no choice but to move back to the UK with my family...all just so i could go to uni!
        Sometimes he resents me for my choice, but at the same time he understands how important it is to me and he is very good and understanding about it. he doesn't go to Uni so that isn't a problem...but it does mean I can only visit him a couple of times a year. We try to see each other every 8-12 weeks, and when we do see each other we spend a whole month together, and we're literally together 24/7! So I visit him twice a year, and he visits me twice a year but luckily we are able to spend A LOT of time together when we do see each other, instead of just a few days here and there...which we find works very well for us, as we always have something to look forward to (our 'reward') yet we also get a couple of months or so to have our own time, spend time on uni/work, catching up with friends etc, and then we get a few weeks just the two of us. This year we were really lucky and spent about 7 months of the year together! (In total, through the year, he spent about 4-5 months here, and I was there for about 2 months).
        It is difficult with Uni because it means I can only travel during the holidays, which are always the most expensive times to go...especially from UK to Aus! Also I have to work really hard to be able to afford the tickets, being a poor student and all. We also have to work phone calls around my lectures and his work...which can be difficult at times. We've managed for 2 years in i guess it must be working for us!? Only another year and a half before i finish Uni and can move back to be with him...
        I'm living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities (Tommy's, Home-Start, Lupus UK and Hughes Syndrome Foundation)
        please visit my blog and sponsor me!
        It's really easy to donate, you just go to the blog link, click on the Just Giving links at the top right hand side, and then click donate! It literally takes 30 seconds to fill in the details in order to donate and it will make such a difference to these amazing charities! Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how small!

        'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'

