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Powerful and surprising

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    Powerful and surprising

    I haven't been on here for a good while. I think the last time I posted was before I went to my cousin's wedding last month.

    Upon returning from that wedding, I immediately got the news that one of my close friends was killed (they're uncertain at the moment whether it was intentional or accidental). Adding to the heartbreak of that, I was the last person to be in contact with him; he had texted me while I was at the wedding. It was extremely difficult, because the funeral was on the day of my birthday.

    Anyway, with the combination of the wedding, my birthday and the funeral all being reminders that I needed my love here, my SO was incredible through this time. It still amazes me how he dealt with my grieving. He was so helpful and sweet. I had thought about before, 'How would he handle it if something were to happen, or vice versa?'. He surprised me with how understanding and gentle he was and how he knew just what to say, and knew that I needed some time alone. Taking into account that he's never personally experienced a death that was close to him, I'd say he was wonderful.

    Which leads to my question: Has your SO ever completely surprised you in their reaction to some crisis you were dealing with, either positively or negatively?

    I forgot to finish the birthday sentence. I was supposed to have a small get-together with a group of friends for my birthday, and he was to be among them.


      well sorry you had to go through all that and happy belated birthday!!! *Huggles* she always reacted postively to anything thats going on in my life, im depressed about something she will lend a ear and words of advice to help me and then proceed to make me laugh which always puts me in a good mood


        I'm glad to hear you're ok, and I'm sorry for your loss.

        To your question...

        One time, I was so upset over the odds of when I'd make it over there that I just completely broke down and felt helpless. He encouraged me, uplifted me about that and my current writing woes (I write fiction), and just the level of his attentiveness surprised and touched me. He cleared 4 days to spend with me so I could have his comforting presence and write. I have a bunch of 12 hour skype phone calls. It was wonderful. It made me realize how much I meant to him.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          *hugs you* I'm glad that you had someone there for you to get through that.

          I have the most ridiculously understanding and compassionate SO I think that could ever possibly exist for me. Today was a perfect example. I had a complete melt down and called him and he knew exactly what to say. Even though he always does, it always surprises me how easily the words come for him to make me feel better and give me the advice I need to get through it.


            I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. What an awful situation. I hope that you and his family are doing okay.

            To answer your question: When I was living in Africa, I was going through a really hard time for many reasons that I won't go into...but my SO was incredible. He sat with me for hours while I cried, he listened to me go on and on and on. He stayed home from work when I really needed him. And he forced me to sing Hakuna Mata every once in awhile,...which always made me grow from crying to laughter

