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How the hell am i gonna be able to leave???

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    Feeling for you
    But just think, you have three WHOLE weeks together, just focus on the present and enjoy your time with her, and then when you're going home think of all the good things about home, (even if there are only a few, be it a pet or a favourite tv show or something) and then when you ARe home, focus on getting your wedding sorted and your visa sorted, and keep yourself busy, me and my SO always have long chats about what it will be like when we're living together, and what you plan do to on your next visit. Its all about looking towards the good things in life, and using your memories and hopes for the future to keep you warm when all seems cold

    Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


      thanks everybody


        I know it sucks but try to stay positive and think about the great time you'll have before that!
        Stay strong. You can do this.
        How lucky I am to have something that makes saying good-bye so hard!


          Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
          How the hell am i gonna do that??? Thats not fair to her, i visit for only a few weeks and then i break her heart by leaving again just because i gotta do a visa thing for us to get married! It's not fair
          Just think of all the other people on this site who have no end in sight, unlike you, and have to go through that whole leaving process a lot more times. It breaks all of our hearts but I'm sure she'll live

          Sorry if I sound nasty or whatever

          *from sam on elinas profile*


            Originally posted by elina View Post
            Just think of all the other people on this site who have no end in sight, unlike you, and have to go through that whole leaving process a lot more times. It breaks all of our hearts but I'm sure she'll live

            Sorry if I sound nasty or whatever

            *from sam on elinas profile*
            yeah i know, and your right. there are other people who have it worse then we do, im just grateful we have it slightly easy im grateful for that everyday


              I think everyone knows how you feel. Over the past few trips I've been dwelling on whe he has to leave, and I shouldn't be doing that. We should be thinking of the positive and thinking "We're with our SO's and we're going to do this and this and go to this place and it's going to be fun!" I'm going away the day before you, so it'll like we'll be getting ready together!

