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    My SO is gone. My relationship is gone. I...I don't know what to do. If you've read my past threads, you'd know that things between her and I were rocky, but I never thought she would do this. I'm in shock. I loved her with all of my being, and now she's gone. I've been trying so hard to help her, but it wasn't enough. Nothing I did was enough. We were supposed to get married and have kids and spend the rest of our lives together......
    :'( I just want to crawl in a hole and die.

    I am sending you all the love in the world.. I know nothing I say will make those wounds/hole heal, but We are here... these things happen... We are here


      I'm so sorry. I know things weren't good at all lately and she was having some problems. What did she say? If you feel comfortable sharing or did she just disappear?


        I'm so sorry
        I read your other threads and was hoping it would get better for you two.
        Thinking of you, and if you feeling like talking to anyone feel free to just write and write and we will all be here for you.


          I am terrified that I may post smth like this myself soon. I am very sorry Who knows she may realize how much she misses you in a few days...but again I do not want to give you a false hope :'( It is sad and it will take time to get through this. We all are here if you need to talk... I totally understand how you feel


            i am very sorry to hear this.


              Hugs for you. I hope you can find a way to feel better. I am truely very sorry for you.


                I am really sorry to hear this

                *sending hugs*


                  I'm so sorry


                    Oh gosh.. I'm so so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how horrible you must feel. We're here for you if you want to talk about it. I wish you a lot of strength to get through this.



                      what happened? did you she break up with you or did she do something else? in any event im sorry to hear this *huggles*


                        *hugs* I am so sorry to hear this. We're all here for support! Be strong hun


                          I'm so sorry to hear this, Elissa.

                          We're all hear for you. Stay strong! *Big hugs!*


                            I'm so sorry, if there's anything I can do let me know, ♥


                              I'm very sorry to hear this Elissa... I have read your other posts and it didn't seem like a happy situation for either of you. I hope you'll feel better soon and stay strong for your kids' sake ♥

