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social networks

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    social networks

    I found out that my BF is a member of multiple social networks. Not just Facebook and Myspace, but others too

    He has a lot of pics of his ex GF (they dated 3 years ago) everywhere. On myspace and FB and all those other web sites. I know they are not dating now coz she lives in another country.

    How would you feel if your SO had so many profiles and was active on all of them?

    I know that if I address it to him he will be mad and will say that that is his personal space. A lot of his friends on those social networks are women.
    What would you do in my situation?

    Personally unless you can/are seeing activity on there that looks suspicious, I'd leave it be. Social networking sites, no matter what they are, often cause a lot of un-needed drama between couples because one may think they need to know each site their SO's active on or that any girl they're friends with whether it's an ex or not is someone they're cheating with. I'm not sating this is your case, but that's what I've seen run through here several times.

    Me, my SO deleted his Facebook months ago and just a month ago the dumb site suggested his new profile to me. What I saw was a list of friends from his work so I haven't even tried friending him as I don't use FB much myself anymore and if he wants it purely to keep up with coworkers then he can have that to himself.

    But like I said, if it's showing cause for concern, address it, just try not to be like "where the hell are you finding all these places? What are you doing on them? Who's she?" because you want honesty, not a defensive behavior. He does have a right to his personal space, but he has to remember social networking sites are not 'personal space', it's public. You found him on these places, anyone else could. Plus the whole 'a lot of his friends are women' is always a red light that needs questioning. Guys can have girl friends without dating them, but if suspicious activity is coming up or their pictures look risque, you never know. I hate advocating being nosy, but that's pretty much what sn sites are for.


      how do u define "suspicious activity" ? and how do u know if there is any of that activity without having an access to his profile?


        Well, I think a lot of people are members of social networking sites now. I am. And I know that my SO is. She has a Facebook account and also a MySpace and Bebo one. Although she's only using Facebook to stay in touch with her family, friends and co-workers. I don't have a problem with that. Although it did cause some kind of tension between us a few months ago, because this girl had apparently fallen in love with her. After 4 days of innocent chatting. That was very annoying and I just kept refreshing my SO's Facebook to see the new comments popping up. Other than that... I trust her completely and get much fun out of stalking her new photos and comments.

        I do agree with LMH though. If you see some kind of pictures or comments which could imply "more than just friends" ask him about it. You're his girlfriend and you're allowed to ask questions.


          LadyMarchHare me and you are from the same town


            I'd be worried my SO has a hyper-internet disorder and maybe needs to spend less time on the internet if this were the case.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

