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This is it.

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    This is it.

    160 days- t-minus 28 hours.

    It's been a long time coming, but he'll be on the plane in 11 hours. I'm packed and ready to go. For those who don't know, this is our first time meeting in person after meeting over a year ago online. It's all become so real so quick and I don't know whether to laugh, cry or puke. I'll talk to him one last time before I see him. I'm nervous and excited and a little shell shocked.

    I work today (10 hour shift *gag*) until 8:00 PM and then I'll go home, wish Scott good luck, take a long bath with loud music and sleep early because I have to work tomorrow morning at 5:00 AM. Then straight after work, I'm driving to the airport.

    I can't believe that I'm about to see him. About to kiss him for the first time. I love him so much it makes me feel like I'm going to burst at the seams. And knowing that I'll be able to hold his hand soon makes that bursting feeling a lot more intensified.

    I'm sure I'll be on here a lot today and tomorrow while I'm working. So this isn't ta-ta for now just yet. Just... a bit of venting to keep me sane.
    First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14

    I'm so excited for you! Oh man, I'd be too shook up to work if I were you, but I guess it's a good distraction. Congratulations and you give that man the biggest kiss he's ever had in his life when you see him.


      oh my gosh this was me less than a month ago!!
      its so amazing meeting for the first time
      buti found i wasnt as nervous as i was the night before actually going to meet him, driving will keep you calm obviously. good luck and have an amazing time!!!!!


        So exciting! I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight, though if I was you, I'd be too excited.

        If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


          This must be exciting.
          I wish you the best.
          Have fun.


            Ooooh I'm so excited for you! I don't know how you're gonna be able to work right before you leave though! I hope you have the time of your life, you've waited long enough to meet your man!


              At least work will keep you busy until go time. It's worse just sitting around and waiting - trust me. I did that; never again. -.-

              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                I am so excited for you guys!! And I can just picture it all going down at SLC airport


                  Thanks everyone. Yeah, it's pretty difficult to work, but I'm distracting myself with coloring books between calls. I'm sure it'll be worse tomorrow, but I'm glad I'm not just at home pacing.
                  First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                    I'm so happy for you
                    I can't wait to be in your position, but I still have to wait at least 4 more months..nothing is guaranteed yet for us.
                    Enjoy your first kiss, and every moment together. Take lots of pictures, savor the precious moments..even though I'm sure you are already. You'll get through the craziness. Try distracting yourself with a book, call people. Watch a movie. That's always a good distraction.
                    Good luck!


                      omg i am so excited for you!!!! Take lots of pictures, i regret only taking one or two when i met my SO for the first time xD
                      Best of luck!!

                      Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


                        Aw, the romantic first meeting must be completely surreal..

                        Have an awesome time together! xx


                          So excited for you!! Yay!! Take lots of pics, hopefully we will get to see them!


                            Awe yay!! I am sure you are really excited! You will be fine and it will be like you have been around each other all along but I understand the nervousness. I myself am nervous to see my bf and we have been around each other many times before, just this time it will have been 5 months and 10 days since we last saw each other. I am so nervous to see him because I know I will just cry from being happy! Enjoy!


                              I'm so excited for you! I still remember how nervous I was the few days before my SO arrived here for our first visit.
                              It is going to be amazing, and so special. I'm so happy for you! Yes take lots of pictures!

