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I don't want to lose him

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    I don't want to lose him

    My SO went away this weekend on a hunting trip and didn't have good service so yesterday I went all day without talking to him, so I finally sent him a text last night saying that I've had a terrible day not talking to him to which he responded "I'm having fun" I took this as he was having fun not talking to me but now that it was cleared it makes sense he ignored what I said and said he was having fun.... hunting. but we had a argument via text for over a hour and a half.
    Today he didn't text at all again because he's hunting so I sent him a text asking if he was going to talk to me and then it turned into this huge thing that we are always arguing and have more arguments than good times, which to me I don't think so.
    He keeps saying that it's my family, because they don't like him, and because of the distance his heart can't take it... and that he could be easily in other relationships where the parents would like him. so I asked him if he met someone else, and he said there is someone who likes him, I asked if he liked her and he said "she's nice..."
    My heart is breaking because I see him trying to end our relationship and I don't want it to end, he keeps saying we have problems but the only problem I see is the distance.

    I asked "Do you want to me with me?" and he said "I can't, and it's extremely difficult"

    I'm waiting to talk to him on the phone right now but I feel so numb

    I'm so heart broken right now.... it really feels like he is going to break up with me and I'm suppose to fly to him this Saturday. I don't want to lose him
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    I feel for you. I know this is hard, but maybe what you need is a visit. We all have days where things blow up for no good reason. Wait until you can talk to him and really talk. *Hugs* - hope it all works out for the best...


      Maybe you guys talking in person will be for the best - text is the worst way to communicate when emotions are involved. Things get misread, reinterpreted... it's really not a good choice.

      You can make it through. You guys will talk and it'll get resolved.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        The only thing I can suggest is a big heart to heart when you meet up next Saturday. I'm guessing the tickets are booked already? I hope you get to sort things out between you both and move forward after this rough patch.


          Originally posted by Čternity View Post
          The only thing I can suggest is a big heart to heart when you meet up next Saturday. I'm guessing the tickets are booked already? I hope you get to sort things out between you both and move forward after this rough patch.
          Yeah tickets have been booked since september because we are hitting that 1 year on the 27th if he doesn't end it before then...
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            Can you guys call or skype instead? At least then you get voice inflection and tone so it's less likely things are misinterpreted. If he starts waffling again maybe try and encourage he hang on til the trip and see if he feels you're worth the pain and dealing with both families?


              I am sorry you are having to go through this This post made me sad

              I hate it when people give answers like that. No matter what your boyfriend decides, just know that in the long run, everything happens for a reason (or at least I think so).


                awww Im sorry! Hopefully you will be able to talk it out when you go this weekend. I wish you the best of luck!


                  well as of right now we aren't together anymore...
                  his mom called me crying saying she's sorry he hurt me and that he was in her arms crying over it. she and his brother's girl friend think that he is going to realize how much he is going to miss me and want me back

                  and I don't know what to do about my plane ticket
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                    I'm so sorry, I had thought he would wait til you visited so you could talk about what's been going on, then decide. I'm so so sorry.


                      Oh no! I'm so sorry
                      LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
                      Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
                      Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                        Wow....that is a story of me and my BF. We have been arguing all the time lately and I too feel like he is either seeing smb or is just tired to this relationship and I too am going there in 9 days...and I have oh not so good feeling about this visit but I still want to visit because if it won't be good, at least I have a closure.
                        THe good part for me is that I have friends there.
                        If you have any friends at all in the town where he stays or if you can book a hotel or a hostel then I would say go take a trip. Not to see him, but to just get out of the house and see a new place and take pictures, walk around, go to coffee shops... if you have friends there - even better. Go visit them.

                        I am sorry it happened. I am in the same situation. the only difference is that I am older than you and so is my BF, so it is even harder coz I am already looking at relationships seriously (potential marriage and a family)


                          just give him sometime to process what he wants in his head *Huggles*


                            I am so sorry that things worked out this way Especially that he couldn't even tell you himself. But it was nice of her to tell you what she did.

                            As for your plane ticket, there is nothing you can really do. Do you know anyone else who lives in the area? If so, maybe you could make a vacation out of it? If not, do you really think you would be welcome to visit your SO, or would you even want to after what has happened?

                            If both of you want to see each other, then that would be appropriate, but if not, I suggest just taking the plane ticket as a loss and moving on. Perhaps you could either give the ticket away to someone who wants it or sell it online if you decide not to go. But really, it is up to what your heart tells you.


                              as I told Talent_2 I've been on an emotional rollercoaster the last 24 hours.
                              He called me last night saying he made a huge mistake breaking up with me, so we are working things out so hopefully things will turn out for the best
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