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How Does One Get Into A LDR?

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    I got into my LDR by meeting my SO in a different country, then returning to mine. I suggest you just go ahead and move to another country (what's the hold up?) and start looking!


      I didn't go looking for it. You should never look for love, let it find you. It always does

      My bf use to live 3 hrs away from me and I saw him often but he is now stationed in Italy for two years with the Navy so now our relationship went full on LD. It isn't easy but if the two people love each other and really want to be together it will just flow like a close distance relationship. That is how I feel anyways...

      "Love sought is good, but given unsought is better"~ Shakespeare


        I agree with pretty much everyone else. If you go looking for love you're less likely to find it, you have to wait till it finds you. I never thought i'd be in an LDR but things just happened and now I am. I have been doing this 7 years, and we have only been together in person for 3 weeks, soon to be 5 after christmas. It is incredibly difficult sometimes, and if you have the choice to go close distance then i'd choose that. If me and my feller could close the distance right now we would in an instant, no second thoughts about it. Being in an LDR is so much hardwork, and it can hurt alot. There are times when i wish so much i could just touch him, even if only for a second. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but sometimes in the circumstances LDRs happen, and they can be wonderful when you're happy, but when you miss each other an awful lot it gets hard. It varies from day to day.
        If you want to find ways of meeting people from other countries though then i'll suggest playing online games, going on forums, chat sites, dating sites, that kind of thing. Me and my guy met on an online game. We weren't looking for love, it just happened.


          I wouldn't "seek it out". Forcing yourself into an LDR just because it sounds good isn't the way to go :S Your setting yourself up for alot of heartbreak if you do that >.< My LDR just happened. I was close friends with this guy online and we couldn't help but fall in love with each other :3 To start looking though, play online games or try dating sites.

          First Met Online: May 08
          Became a Couple: 4.11.09
          First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
          Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
          Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


            I understand that most people want to love and be loved. The notion of searching the earth to do so and having an LDR sounds may appear like it's your only option when you don't find someone locally. I would never encourage someone to try to find an LDR because the reality is very different. For me it is like the difference between wanting children and having them. I loved the thought of having a baby and yet the reality is it is very hard work most of the time. I love them all the same but it isn't until you are in it that you understand the committment, devotion and plain hard work most of it is. Same goes for an LDR for me.

            Yes, there are fantastic times in an LDR but mostly the day to day is hard work. Hard, lonely work. I spend a lot of my time waiting, keeping busy for the 10% that is great. I would never look for it as most people here say, they never went looking for it, it happened and they stuck to it. I would never wish it on anyone.

            I'd really encourage you to keep looking for someone local.


              Even on this site you can find smb to write letters to LOL I am Russian for example.
              But Google can help you. IF you just do a simple google search for example "Americans in Europe forums" or like Forum of French who love football. Or just ANYTHING like that, you will find all kids of forums with all kinds of people.

