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leaving michigan tomorrow :(

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    leaving michigan tomorrow :(

    so today is my last full day with eric, and my flight leaves tomorrow around 12

    i always hate the last day because even though it's another day with him.. it's so hard to not be sad because we both know i'll be leaving so soon

    we have a hotel room for tonight which i'm looking forward to, anddd he's cooking me a steak dinner and i think i'm gunna get him to watch dirty dancing i know it's gunna be a great night, i just hate knowing that tomorrow i'll be gone.. i feel like i JUST got here, and i basically did

    this isn't fair, i wish i could just be with him every single day, long distance relationships are so difficult

    but i'm so so thankful i have eric in my life, and i couldn't be happier knowing i have a guy like him <3

    I always find the last day difficult because I know what is coming the next day. I cant stop thinking "this is the last night with him, this is the last time he will cook dinner for a while etc". But stay strong, as you said you are so happy with your SO, the distance is just a small obstacle in your love for each other.

    Good luck for tomorrow


      I hate the feeling of knowing you will have to leave soon. It totally stinks! Make the best of it and good luck to you.


        I'm leaving Finland tomorrow as well..
        Kinda sucks knowing I'll leave but whatever.. it's not like we wont see each other again


          Don't trouble trouble before trouble troubles you.. you're still with him.. I know it's easier said than done, but try not making your last night about how you're gonna feel tomorrow..
          Enjoy very moment


            The last day sucks - I really hope you're able to make plans for when you see each other again - at least then you have something to look forward to!

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

