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i don't know what to do? :/

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    i don't know what to do? :/

    Ok, as some of you may know me and my SO called it quits two months ago after a year of being together.... we still talk nd stuff nd she always says something about how much she misses me nd how she ruined things etc. nd i reallly really miss her too!!! And i love her more than anything!!! it's just hard to trust her :/ she cheated on me before early on in our relationship..... nd i just don't know what to do.. i don't wanna put myself in the same position.... any help?
    Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic

    No one can make that decision for you. I would keep talking to her and see if she's reached a point where you can trust her again. If you can reach that point , then ask her back out.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Originally posted by Silviar View Post
      No one can make that decision for you. I would keep talking to her and see if she's reached a point where you can trust her again. If you can reach that point , then ask her back out.
      Agreed, honestly I think that's the only thing you can do.


        Well is that the reason you broke up? Because she cheated? Or was there another reason? One thing is for sure...if you don't have trust in the relationship, it won't work regardless if its long or short distance.
        it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


          well yes and no.... it's a bit of a long story but this wouldnt be the first time we broke up..... but yeah the trust thing is a bit of an issue..... and also when we r together i do so much for her to show her how much i care! i've written her letters i've made a website just to show how much i love her ive made videos with pics of the both of us nd such but in what ever i do its like that same love is NEVER given back to me :/ nd this has went on for a year so the patience thing i a bit on the cliff.... she hasnt written back once or anything..... nd i just feel unappreciated :/
          Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


            I have a personal rule for this: three strikes, you're out. I never take someone back a third time, because by then, if it didn't work before it still probably wont and I need to cut my loses.

            But, if you are going to give it another shot talk it out - really deeply - and set some ground rules. Make sure both your needs are heard.
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              hmmm i'll think about that... very deeply :] thanks you zephii!!!!
              Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


                If you're going to even think about taking her back you should think about it very deeply. Make sure that you're 100% positive about taking her back. But before you get back together you should make sure that she understands how you feel and what you kind of expect to be better than last time.


                  no offense but there is ALWAYS two sides of the story and I bet she too would find smth to say about what you did or did not do.
                  I think the best thing to do is to continue talking to each other BUT in the mean time try to improve YOURSELF and not keep blaming another person. Try your best to be the best person YOU can be. It will serve you well one way or another (with her or w/o her)


                    Originally posted by tissa View Post
                    no offense but there is ALWAYS two sides of the story and I bet she too would find smth to say about what you did or did not do.
                    I think the best thing to do is to continue talking to each other BUT in the mean time try to improve YOURSELF and not keep blaming another person. Try your best to be the best person YOU can be. It will serve you well one way or another (with her or w/o her)
                    Tissa, we're not here to judge people. Yes we don't know the full story but neither are we to assume that the OP is at fault whether solely or partially as well. We can only go by what's said and I believe both ends can get covered by what the others have suggested: talking it out.


                      i wasnt suggesting that i'm perfect by any means!!!! we both neglected each other nd i had my doors a lil closed sorta speak.. i had a hard time letting her in nd ultimately thats what happened :/ im NOT perfect but i am a better person than i was when we started nd i continue to improve myself nd i think we both are ALOT more mature about things now... after all we r still young nd immaturity played a role im sure :/
                      Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


                        Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                        Tissa, we're not here to judge people. Yes we don't know the full story but neither are we to assume that the OP is at fault whether solely or partially as well. We can only go by what's said and I believe both ends can get covered by what the others have suggested: talking it out.


                          Tissa, we're not here to judge people. Yes we don't know the full story but neither are we to assume that the OP is at fault whether solely or partially as well. We can only go by what's said and I believe both ends can get covered by what the others have suggested: talking it out.
                          I did not judge and I am sorry if it sounded like it. I just believe that whenever smth happens or goes wrong people should think about what they need to do differently. And also think that ppl should not be afraid to say "sorry". That is just my opinion - I am not trying to pull it on anyone.
                          I hope things work out and you two can learn how to trust each other again. I sure wish you all the best and good stories on here for all of us to inspire!


                            lol awe thanks tissa :} and i apreciate ur honesty
                            Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic

