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Planning a trip abroad is getting daunting already!!!!

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    Planning a trip abroad is getting daunting already!!!!

    Okay, so he's going to be in Kuwait through the end of this year minimum. He will definately be back for a class sometime in the next few months. However, that will use all the time he has accrued for paid vacation. I don't want to hope he will be able to make another trip here, so I am looking into planning a trip there in November. OMFG....I am getting a bit....intimidated already!!!!

    For one thing, I am on several medications PLUS vitamin and mineral supplements. So I am going to need to find out if bringing those in the original container is going to be okay. No CLUE where or how to do that just yet...but will keep poking around, and consult with the Kuwaiti Consulate here in the US for good measure.

    Then I am going to need to figure out my passport situation (will be making a phone call to the State Department on Tuesday, Monday is a federal holiday.). My case is strange as I was issued a passport as a VERY young child so I could come to the US with my parents who were in the US Navy. Hopefully, they don't NEED the passport number or will be able to look it up for me so I can complete my application and then just be waiting for the money to pay for it.

    Finally..the whole being a woman in an Arabic nation is kind of a scary thought. Not to be negative or racist, but it is a fact that a woman is likely to be much safer if she has a male escort....I think???? OH...and I should learn some key phrases in the language, even though English is pretty wide spread there. (makes mental note to find the thread on here with free resources for learning this stuff!)

    And, assuming it all works out financially, there will be the what can I pack and what is banned on flights ordeal in November... Fun Fun....I swear to the Godess, if I didn't love this man I'd just give up this second. Unfortunately, I don't think I can go deal with not seeing him from the time he leaves after his classes until 2011....So, I can't give up.

    Anyone have any good sites to find out information about a country, or things about airline restrictions? Or any links or tips for getting my stuff in one sock between now and then?? Or any thoughts/suggestions and what not about things I may not be thinking of just yet. I think I need a planner and a notes organizer and goodness knows what else to keep this idea on track!! LOL

    Hey Gurl!!! I really hope you can pull out this trip! Even though I am a fearless traveler, the middle east is intimidating!!! The closest I've been is Morroco and I must say it's totally different from what we know. The good thing is that BC is already there, probably he can give you good tips too! Well, here is one good site And here is a little about the things you can't bring, etc. But that is basically the normal rule, not liquids over 3 oz, and they should be on a bottle that says the 3oz or less. One time I was traveling with a 5 oz bottle, but that was almost over (which we all knew it was less than the 3 oz) and they didn't let me pass it on my carry on. It's better to check the liquids, but not the medications. A good site that I always used to buy tickets was and if you are still a student or still have a student email you can use

    Best wishes!


      Thanks a lot Mio!! And I will still be a student so that last one could end up being a major help

      Goddess willing, this WILL work out....I just have to be willing to give up a little so the money saving will work.


        I found good how to save sites, and


          you rock, chica! Thx again!


            It would be great if you can get to go!!!


              Totally! I've never been out of the country, so it would be totally new for me all way around. And I've not flown since I was an infant! Its scary in a lot of ways, but also exciting.


                I found this website about traveling with medications and it looks pretty helpful:


                If I were in your position, I would only take in my carry-on bag what I will need during the flight and an extra day or two's worth (in case your bag is lost for some reason), and then put the rest in my suitcase. I'm not 100% sure on this, but from the research I've done on this just now, it seems whatever you put in your suitcase will be fine, and you don't have to worry about it being in the original bottle or anything. It's just whatever you plan to take on the flight in your carry-on that is a concern to TSA.

                Here's another page I found that has some tips and regulations on getting medication checked:


                Hope this helps! I'll keep looking around for any other information and let you know if I find something helpful.


                  *grins* Thanks Jackie....It gets to be mind numbing find it all yourself... I just might end up making a list of websites and posting in my blog here and the wordpress one so maybe someone without the support from here can skip some of the searching LOL


                    Its great that youre thinking of going there for a visit!!
                    your first time out of the country can be intimidating, no matter where you go, and traveling to kuwait will be a long flight, but it wont be as hard as you can sometimes imagine : )
                    the girls have already given you good input for flight and travel related issues, so i'll be the one pitching in info about the middle east as mio already said, it is very different from the us... first of all its a desert, people spend a lot of times indoor, when people go out, its mostly to malls or resorts. you will be surprised of finding a lot of foreigners there, mostly from other arab countries, and asia. the largest community is indians i think. so yes, english is widely used. keep in mind though, kuwait is not as crazy nor a popular tourist attraction as dubai is.. (so it shouldnt be too crowded)
                    about being a woman, you dont need to worry much, you wont have to wear a veil or anything else and kuwait isnt saudi, so you can be by yourself, it isnt as conservative and restricting; although it can be intimidating at first being in a new country and all, but i think you'll do just fine : )
                    if you need any help you know where to reach me : )

                    i found this link to be interresting
                    Last edited by ioanna; February 13, 2010, 12:21 PM.
                    Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                    And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                    ~Richard Bach

                    “Always,” said Snape.


                      Thanks Ioanna!! That site has some pretty great do the rest of the links from others No PDAs there though Glad I am not one for much of that anyway, beyond holding hands maybe.


                        youre welcome : )
                        i forgot about PDA : p its good that youre not too much into it then, and i dont think holding hands will be a problem : )
                        Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                        And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                        ~Richard Bach

                        “Always,” said Snape.


                          Hey Gurl,
                          Good for you for looking into all this and considering doing something that could be really scary for some! I really hope the trip works out
                          A good site for traveling info is They have country and city profiles, but also a forum (under the 'community' tab) where you can focus in on a region and view other people's questions, plus ask your own. I used it a lot for my adventures in south america and found it very helpful, hopefully they have some good stuff on Kuwait!
                          Good luck, and keep us updated on how your trip planning goes!


                            Enjoy going abroad...I went to visit my SO who is in another country as well (my first time out of the U.S. too) and it was the most amazing time of my life. Yes, it was stressful especially flying by myself for the first time, BUT when I got to see my love at the airport waiting for me when I was just amazing, romantic, wonderful and exciting!!


                              I have nothing I can really give you to help you, but wanted to wish you good luck with it all! Try not to stress and be excited! =]

