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His status said he was in Dubai?!?!?

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    I'm sorry I don't have much to add but I'm sending you super big hugs and warm thoughts. I really hope things work out and you get to see him very, very soon.


      Sending you lots of hugs and hoping he has contacted you by now since it's the next day....
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        I would be upset too. I hope he's contacted you by now, and that you'll be able to see him. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
        LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
        Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
        Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


          Thanks Ladies. Still nothing, but I am trying very hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. He only got a couple hours sleep in the past few days, so I am betting he crashed hard after the memorial service and the family stuff that goes on after that. He's got a little more time before I go into full pissed of bitch mode.


            thinking of you...
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              Thanks Karryington.

              I guess I'll give a little update while I am here. Its midnight two days later for me and still not an effin word, unless you count facebook status updates...which I DO NOT. I am thiseffingclose to sending an ugly dear john email. However, since his first post yesturday said he was still wiped from the flight, I will hold off for a little bit. Like, til noon. Then he's getting to know a whole nother side of me, and he won't like it.

              I appreciate everyone's support. Between here and Twitter, I've almost kept my sanity.

