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I have to face my ex.....

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    I have to face my ex.....

    Oh god i feel so fucking sick to my stomach!!!! Having a small panic attack as well, but one of my friends is a computer expert and i need my computer fixed....problem is he lives with my friend doesnt feel like walking all the way over here considering he lives on the other side of town so i have to face my ex and the mere thought of it is making me feel ill and really panicked and scared, i dont wanna do this but i have no choice i need my computer fixed. Why do i have i feel like i have no choice in doing this??? i dont like this!!

    ETA: well good news is my computer is fixed, and he was nowhere around the house so im happy about that! was nice to get out of the house and hang out with people though

    ugh... I hate that feeling. I ran into my ex a few months ago, and it was the weirdest thing, it felt like my heart had literally stopped beating for a few seconds. It was the first time I saw him since we broke up and he just walked by like it was nothing, while I had to really stop because I was so shocked..

    Any possibility of talking to your friend about how you don't feel comfortable with the situation? Maybe he'll come over then.


      i have he knows that i dont feel comfortable......i dont wanna do this.....i litterly having a panic attack and i cant stop crying....i dont wanna do this at all!!!


        If it's that bad maybe you should consider going somewhere else to get your computer fixed, you'd just probably have to pay more. Does he know you're panicking like this? Maybe you could also pick him up... like around the corner from where your ex lives.

        Or you could arrange to come over when your ex isn't home, unless it can't wait and you need your computer fixed right away


          i dont have a car. he's online im waiting on him to respond


            I don't know what the background is, but I think it's safe to say: everything will be OK. I have a friend who was in a really terrible abusive relationship, and it was really hard for her after finally leaving him, when she knew she was going somewhere where he might be too. But she survived it. It's always hard running into an ex, and it's just natural to feel uncomfortable about it. But chances are, it won't be as bad as you think. Just take a few deep breaths and get in and out as fast as you can.

            Nevertheless, I hope you and your friend can come up with another solution to spare you from such an uncomfortable situation.


              he was emotionly abusive and couldnt keep his dick in his pants.....and just dont feel safe....Denise makes me feel safe.....the mere thought of me being in the same room with him makes me wanna vomit....


                Can you ask the friend to set up a time when your ex won't be there? Otherwise, I really do think you need to find someone else to help you with your computer. It's really not worth the pain it's causing you...


                  i cant afford what they wanna charge you to fix computers and he does it for free, i dont want to but something inside me is telling me to face my fear and that it will bring me and Denise closer. trust me she doesnt like it she hates him, i dont like it i hate him but i need my computer fixed. i feel like this will close this chapter in my life....i dont like it.....but i feel i have no choice but to suck up and do it


                    Yes, that's a good way to think of it! If you do have to see him, be strong, and remember how thankful you are to be with someone who truly loves you! I know it won't be easy, but perhaps it will help you to move past some things.

                    I wish you the best!


                      This guy sounds like a real a**hole!!! Don't let him have that kind of power over you...and definitely do not let him see that he has the ability to make you feel that way. It's what guys like him feed off him that you could care less about him being there. Just think of Denise and pay him no mind. It will get to him more if he sees you aren't affected by him.
                      it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


                        Try to calm down girl Why dont you turn it around? Play it off cool and make HIM feel uncomfortable.

                        I barely see my ex but whenever I do I play it off cool, pretend to not care and not even know him.
                        He told to his now gf that he thinks I dont remember him anymore (that was about 1 year after we broke up) and after that I saw him once in a bar and I made fun of him, goin up and sayin to his gf (back than to-be-gf - i knew her cause she was one of the new classmates) and than was like "oh hey I know you..? hmm I think your name was daniel right??" and than when I walked back to my girls I laughed like a witch ^^ rofl


                          well good news is my computer is fixed, and he was nowhere around the house so im happy about that! was nice to get out of the house and hang out with people though


                            Glad to see it turned around to a posiitive situation!
                            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                              Glad to see it turned out okay
                              LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
                              Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
                              Total Pages Read This Year: 3283

