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What guilty pleasure do you have from being in a LDR?

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    What guilty pleasure do you have from being in a LDR?

    I enjoy the fact that I don't have to shave my legs if I don't want to. It's great.

    Fixing my hair and doing makeup! Hah.
    Kristen & Ryan - Together since October 2008
    International LDR
    "Who, being loved, is poor?" - Oscar Wilde


      Being able to go shopping every weekend without feeling guilty about spending my money My sister's husband and my mom's significant other pitch their fits when they bring home new stuff, but I can happily bring home another purse or pair of shoes without anyone complaining about it when I get home!


        Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
        Being able to go shopping every weekend without feeling guilty about spending my money My sister's husband and my mom's significant other pitch their fits when they bring home new stuff, but I can happily bring home another purse or pair of shoes without anyone complaining about it when I get home!
        Ohhh this too! Shopping is a guilty pleasure of mine, except I'm a makeup and shoes gal.
        Kristen & Ryan - Together since October 2008
        International LDR
        "Who, being loved, is poor?" - Oscar Wilde


          Originally posted by Stephanieeee View Post
          I enjoy the fact that I don't have to shave my legs if I don't want to. It's great.
          haha me too! shame!
          poor boy got a rude shock when he visited for the first time and I had forgotten to shave before I picked him up... haha


            I love being able to look like a total slob whenever I want.


              I enjoyed not getting fixed up to go out (after all, who was I trying to impress?). Wearing my reindeer pink pants around the house (although, they've come back out now, since I can actually fit them, and I can't say that of many of my clothes now). And spending more time than is healthy on email and here.


                Not having to shave my legs, definitely (ah, my winter isolation is growing in! Hee hee, but I might have to shave it for dance and yoga now).

                Being able to eat garlicy food more.

                Wearing really unflattering, but extremely comfortable lounge pants around the house.

                Not having to suck my stomach in if I have eaten too much.


                  Oh thats another one! Eating what i want! Adam hates onion (which is in most foods I make), isn't a massive fan of most salads (lol), and there are a lot of food and veg he won't eat either due to allergies or "he doesn't like it" which is really annoying because vege shopping for one sucks! I just usually gave in.
                  I have put my foot down though for when we close the distance - I will cook what the hell I want with the vegies I want, and you WILL eat it - I am not your mother who gave into a whinging two year old and never bothered to make them eat vegies again... yes I clearly hate his mother. lol

                  rant over...


                    I don't really have any. I don't do anything differently when we aren't together than I do when we are.

                    "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                    - A. A. Milne


                      Ugh, I hear ya. I get so grossed out when I kiss after I have eaten. I need to brush my teeth like every 4 seconds when he's here, I make him brush his as well. So yeah, I kinda like not having to worry about breathe.

                      Or, weither my toe nails are painted or not.


                        No makeup day being every day XD And messy hair. Omg. And not having to clean up every day because he is such a neat freak. Yes.
                        Last edited by sabby64; November 21, 2010, 08:51 PM.


                          Not having to shave my legs as often. That's a great benefit to our LDR lol!

                          I can watch whatever I want without fighting him for the remote. My fav shows are Sex & the city and The Golden Girls and he hates both of them lol, so after a bad day, it's def nice to be able to go home, relax and have a marathon of my fav shows

                          Other than that, I would just say, my appearance. I can wear my pjs all day if I want and I don't have to do my hair and makeup if I don't feel like it!


                            I dress and look crazy even when I'm with him. My hair looks all types of crazy most of the time haha! But my #1 guilty pleasure is definitely the lack of shaving that I have to do when I'm not with him. He doesn't mind hair, but *I* do so I can't NOT shave when I'm with him. And also the painting my toes thing. He likes my feet a lot so I make absolute sure I paint my toes before seeing him.


                              It use to be my Law & Order SVU fix. When he's around we always fight over Mythbusters and SVU. I love Mythbusters, but dammit don't take away my Stabler fix! D: Now I must miss it regularly ;_;!

                              Also miss my gun rights...

