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Need help quick!

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    Need help quick!

    Hey so im pretty new, im in a LDR with a girl living in America and Im in Ireland. So I sent her a valentines gift 10 days ago and somehow the postal service have failed to get it there so now im really annoyed she istn going to ahve anything tomorrow so im trying to come up with anything I can do from here. any ideas at all are appreciated! oh and i tried to send fowers but she lives in a dorm and they wont bring them to her room there!

    again thanks for any help!

    hey. I send things to my boyfriend. He lives in Alberta, Canada while I'm in Texas, so probably a closer distance than you are from your girl. I have to put things in the mail 2-3 weeks before I want them to get there because customs takes FOREVER. Don't sweat that she didn't get anything in the mail, seriously, because international takes a really long time and she'll probably get the package this week or next just considering what you have in the box. (I sent a package with cookies to my boyfriend once and it got there 3 weeks later...the cookies weren't safe to eat. ; ^ ; so he had to throw them out.)

    As for what you can do... If y'all have webcams make it a special date type thing. Get on a little earlier (If you can) and stay on later. If you don't have webcams, chat via IM or talk on voice chat or call her. You don't have to have a physical object to feel loved and she will appreciate, just as much, you taking the time out of your day to talk to her for a while. Whatever you do, just make her smile. ^^


      yeah its just really annoying because I ent her a package for her birthday about 2 weeks ago and it took 5 days but I gave this one with 10 days and it didnt get there! Ive talked to her and she knows it was coming and that its not my fault that it didnt get there but for me it isnt about her blaming me or not I just want her to have something special tomorrow! we have skype and talk for about an hour every day on webcam so while thats great it wold really be anything special. I was thinking about tying to find and e-card/send lyrics/make a youtube playlist but i want something a little more creative than that!


        Oh and thanks by the way!


          Make a play list on maybe? or just do an email with some photos of you and her or of each of you seperately and some comments about things you adore about her....or and send virtual flowers with a short note....just a few ideas off the top of my head.

          I can imagine how frustrated you are, but it doesn't really matter if she gets the items for valentines or 10 days later....if she's anything like most of us ladies, she will be happy you thought about her and sent something that SHOULD have been there on time.


            I think she definitely will appreciate that you tried your best to send your gift to her on Valentine's! Just do a little something, or write her a Valentine's email, dress up silly and go on a webcam date, stuff like that. I really hope your gift arrives eventually! Right now I'm still waiting for my SO to get my gift as well. The British customs always stresses me out!


              What they said ^

              Hmm, trying to think back to spur-of-the-moment stuff I've done...

              Well, I've made a lame buddypoke (facebook app) picture and emailed it to him (he still has it). Other kind of pictures are good too if you're photoshop talented you could make her a desktop wallpaper or something. Sending a meaningful song, lyrics or even a poen can be nice.
              You could record yourself reading her a story or get naughtier and *cough* dance for her.
              And failing that there is the list of stuff to do that this site is famous for

              Good luck!
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                Postal service, specially when is international can be a total pain once it arrives in customs it can take several days. I would recomend that next time you send the package at least a month in advanced, and then tell her if she get it before, not to open it until the day you want!


                  Ooh! Try Smilebox. Someone made one of those for their SO for Valentine's. They seem like what you're looking for! It's on the list of things to do.

