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Seeing SO for Christmas??

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    Seeing SO for Christmas??

    I'm having sort of a dilemma with seeing my SO for Christmas this year. My mom already said if I can get one of my sisters to go with me I can go, but all of them have kids and aren't willing to leave their kids or take them and don't want to spend the holiday babysitting me. I know my mom's only concern is that she's not entirely comfortable with me going alone (I'm almost 18). I was wondering if I could get any tips on how I could convince her that I'll be safe. I haven't seen my SO in almost a year now, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I had this issue, unfortunately mine was just resolved through fighting, constantly. So you dont wanna go down that road.
    But have his mom talk to your mom. Your mom should make a set of rules (example: you two not sleeping in the same bed) and discuss them with his mom.
    Show her that you have money to provide your own transportation, learn travel tips, and plan it all on your own. It will show mad amounts of responsibility.


      Take a friend instead? safety in numbers right?
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        We've decided that it'd be better if I wait. So I'm planning to go out there for my birthday (in February). I haven't told my mom my new plan yet, but I know she'll like it better and I won't have the pressure of having to take someone with me. We have to wait a little while longer, but I guess it's worth it Thank you for advice!


          I wasn't allowed to travel by myself until I turned 18, so the first time we went back to visit (after we moved from Aus to UK) I went with my dad coz he had to go back to Perth for business anyway, so he took me with him...i stayed at my boyfriends a few days a week and then stayed with my dad 3 days a week. that was the agreement we set up.
          second time we all went back as a family to visit, but this time i stayed with my SO for the duration of the trip, but we all went on holiday together for a week while we were over (my family and my SO.) My parents left 10 days before me, so this was the first time i travelled alone...and i love it haha! it was so much easier and less stressful :P My dad was so worried he had tears in his eyes when they left me there...but it was good because it proved to them that i could handle the situation and be responsible to look after myself and travel alone. Since then i have travelled alone twice more and im doing it again next week
          My parents just needed to see i was responsible and mature enough i think. I also think it helped compromising with my dad the first time we went back, so i spent half the time with him and half the time with my SO.
          You're parents might be the same, they might just need to 'hold on' to you until you're 18...and then give you that first step of responsibility and independence.
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          'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'

