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Gifts, Shipping and Customs - What Makes it Through?

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    Gifts, Shipping and Customs - What Makes it Through?

    Hey folks,

    I'm wanting to ship some goodies (like a care package) to my SO who is currently living in South America. Mostly, the items in question is a bottle of Excedryn and Tums. I know I can't send anything aerosol, but I would like to send the two bottles of meds (they're still in the boxes, unwrapped) and maybe a whipped cream for shaving (no, not the edible kind! )

    The government has a list up of stuff that can be sent, but frankly I don't trust government sites after they jerked my chain around for 3 months regarding where to go for my passport.

    Does anyone have experience with what can be sent to South America through the USPS? Particularly Uruguay.

    Thank you in advance.
    Kristen & Ryan - Together since October 2008
    International LDR
    "Who, being loved, is poor?" - Oscar Wilde

    Assuming you live in the U.S, there's no regulations on shipping OTC medication to Uruguay (according to the International Mail Manual) and the USPS Domestic Mail Manual states:

    12.12.1 Over-the-Counter Drugs

    Over-the-counter drugs are medicines that can be obtained without a prescription. Over-the-counter drugs may be mailed when all applicable federal, state, and local laws, such as the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 and the Consumer Product Safety Commission requirements, are followed.

    I would go to your local post office and ask a clerk there just to be sure though. I work at a post office, but I don't think anyone has ever sent medication (that I know of), so I can't talk from experience. But you're right about the aerosol cans. My father tried to ship some Axe Body Spray to relatives in Thailand and I think he was told he couldn't do it.

