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Quick question...

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    Quick question...

    Does anyone else struggle with mood swings? I've been goin out with my boyfriend for three months, he left a month ago and everything's been going really great despite the ups and downs. Even so, I find myself flip-flopping between believing we're going to get married and live happily ever after to feeling like it all isn't worth it, sometimes in the space of a couple hours and with no change in circumstances. Just wanted to know if this is normal, and if it'll pass soon because it's really frustrating.

    "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
    -- Anonymous

    Mood Swings are normal in LDR's. They come and go. I've been dealing with mood swings for a good.... 3 - 4 months. But like I said they come and go. I wouldn't worry about it too much :3

    First Met Online: May 08
    Became a Couple: 4.11.09
    First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
    Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
    Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


      I believe it's normal in most relationships, especially LDRS, because we all do have our ups and downs through life and with the difficulty of an LDR we sometimes feel on top of the moon and other times we can question if the pain and hurt is worth it for someone we've never met/only see a few times a year. To feel them that rapidly could be stress or because of other stressors going on in your daily life such as school, friends, family, work, etc. It could also be bouts of situational depression (i.e. justified, pills-aren't-gonna-fix-this depression) which are also normal. I think so long as it's not affecting your relationship, like starting fights and such, perhaps writing out these bad moments either in a word document or blog, here or somewhere else like LiveJournal, might help as you'll get the feelings out and 'vent' and maybe see a bigger pattern.


        Hm...its a good question if its normal or not because since Im back home (its almost 8 months)
        Im most of the time down since my heart feels like going to explode of all that pain I feel because of missing him.

        I hope it will be better for you soon!!! x


          I have mood swings also. I don't think though that this isn't worth it. I know its worth it. But my mood goes up and down and sideways even! Ha! I want to be with him so bad, that it consumes my every thought. And then my mood goes haywire if i think about it too much. It sucks


            It's normal. Relationships in general can be stressful, and LDR's add that extra bit that make the struggle difficult but worth it for the right person. Don't let yourself focus on the negative and put yourself in a bad place. Just let yourself be, enjoy what you have, and give your relationship a chance to be fairly evaluated as a relationship.

            I think sometimes we in LDR's give ourselves extra pressure to get together and get married, but you know, it doesn't have to be that way. Let the relationship evolve. You'll know when you're ready.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              I definitely get them. I make myself sick to my stomach sometimes from thinking about it and focusing on all of the downsides and then I'll have a three minute phone conversation with him and I'm on cloud 9 for the afternoon.

              Sick to my stomach at the moment...


                I think they are normal. I never feel like it isn't worth it. I know it is worth it, but I still get very down. Like, this morning, I woke up and was immediately in tears because he wasn't there. I always try to tell myself that even though I miss him terribly, I should be grateful that I have someone so special to miss. My mantra lately when I get down in the dumps is, "this is only temporary." It seems to help a little bit, but nothing replaces how I feel when we are physically together.


                  Thanks everyone! Glad to know I'm not the only one. I think I used the wrong choice of words, I do know that it's worth the heartache to be with someone who makes me so happy. It's just hard when I'm feeling down not to think that he'll get sick of me, especially if I complain too much. But I do my best to keep positive! We'll see each other again in January, things will get better then.

                  "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                  -- Anonymous


                    I also struggle with mood swings. They are starting to frustrate my SO, but I sometimes can't help it. They just come and go.


                      I get really weird moodswings :P One minute I'll be super depressed and all I want to do is sleep and the next I'll feel like i can take on the world!! Usually a few times a day... It doesn't really bother Brandon, he kind of get them too, just less severe.

