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Do I follow my head or my heart?

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    Dearest Sam,

    If I were you, I would go.
    Here's why: I am in a similar situation (don't like France, pretty miserable, etc) EXCEPT I like my job and it will be REALLY helpful for me in the future. If this job wasn't going to be helpful for me or wasn't going to look great on my CV, I would be out of here.

    You are unhappy.
    And it will never be too late to go back to England and take the course again or take another course.

    Mlle Bamako


      If it were me, I'd go. No sense in being unhappy if you don't have to be, you know?
      LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
      Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
      Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


        My 2 cents aren't necessarily un-biased

        Andy and I wouldn't mind if you moved straight away haha BUT you said your mum wouldn't be happy with you and she's kick you out... So what if you get rejected and have to go back to England, where would you go? I think you need to come up with a great back-up plan and THEn you're ready to take your chances


          Well, I can't really give you any advice that I haven't already seen here.. sry.. but I'm cheering for you - whatever you decide


            follow your heart, no shortcuts!! While it may seem easier to do, any shortcuts you make could bite you in the ass later on. Stay in college and just rough it out for now, you can do it!!


              Thanks for all the comments and advice guys You're all so helpful

              To.. Tanja (I think it was..).. We'll make it so I wont be rejected. If I am (which I dont think so), when the 3 months is up, I'll stay for an extra 3 months as a "jobseeker" which would obviously give me an extra 3 months to get the registration. If that fails (which it wont but whatever ) we'll get in the car, drive to Russia, drive into Russia and back into Finland and repeat x)

              If I decide to go, I'm gone.. for good. Finland are getting me whether they want me or not, one way or another :')

              My mind isnt made up yet. Or maybe it subconciously is, I just dont wanna admit it right now I dunno.. I'll still think about it a bit

              If anyone has any other advice, feel free


                My concern is also about what you mentioned about your mother. Does your whole family feel this way? If something were to happen in England that you had to attend would you be welcome back? Just keep in mind that bad things -do- happen like someone else pointed out. It doesn't have to just be in Finland. What if your family needs you back for a couple of weeks?

                That being said, I agree that you should go, assuming you aren't going to ruin your relationship with your family.


                  My mum is my family. It's not like she'd abandon me (or I hope not )

                  Once she got over it, she'd be fine x)

