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what do i do now? :(

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    what do i do now? :(

    ok people...... sooooooo............... my SO and i have been having serious problems over the last year we've been together....... its appearant that we just arent gonna work out but what do u do when u have so much love for you SO like soooooo much love nd its just sooooo hard to say goodbye after everything we've been through... i mean in a way, atleast for me its made my feelings soooo much stronger for her..... but at the same time nothing seems like its gonna change :/ nd thats the part that hurts the most..... i just don't know what to do.... i love her soooooooo much!!!! she has my heart.... but i just don't know....
    Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic

    If the problems haven't got better, than you owe it to yourself and, to a small extent, to her to let things go. It will be hard, but it will be the best. I am presuming these problems are deal breakers, so don't drag out the pain. I've made that mistake...and it never works out and it never gets better. It's time to love yourself and her enough to walk away. Best of luck. There are many people here that will help you through the hard times.


      thanks gurl :/
      Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


        Is your SO working on the issues too? Have they said that it just isn't working out? What are they saying about what they want to do? Sorry for all the questions.


          no they r good questions nd uhhmmmm idk its hard to tell.... its good for a while but then its like we go back down nd sometimes even worse..... idk what she wants do do yet though :/
          Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


            I guess it depends on how you want to deal with it. You can let it kinda lurch along as it is now with your SO doing the same. Many people do this. You could ask your SO what they think about where this is all going but you could get an answer that you don't want or aren't ready to deal with. Alternately, you and your SO might make a pact to both work on this and agree on some changes that need making. If you can visit, would be better to do this in person.

            Many people are ok with just letting relationships just fade away because it means they don't have to deal with the hurt of having an actual breakup. If it's not working, and you both agree that, you either rip the bandaid off quick or gradually peel it off, depending if you can deal with the pain fast or slow. I really wish you the best with this. It's not easy at all.


              thanks for your advice i really reall appreciate it :] nd i'll think about everything u said.....
              Be surcharged with peace and joy, And scatter them wherever you are And wherever you go. Be a blazing fire of truth, Be a beauteous blossom of love And be a soothing balm of peace...sigpic


                Not an easy situation ....and the distance can only compound it. The best advice that I have is listen to what your gut feelings are telling you. Talk openly with your SO and if need be, come right out and ask her what it is that she wants...of course, it's easier said than done. It's difficult to ask questions we may not want the answers to, but living with the unknown and it's weight is far more difficult for me (personally).

                I agree with need to decide what it your best way to deal with the situation. I wish you the best!!

