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When should we meet up?

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    When should we meet up?

    Me and my SO have been in a relationship for 3 months. We're young, but it feels incredible. I'm 18 and she's 20, if you're curious - the age thing doesn't bother me, love is love.

    I've had doubts about the whole thing before and they pop up every so often. Her love feels real and believe she loves me, but I just need to see her in person to make sure I'm not being fooled.

    So, with this, how do I go about setting up with her a time to meet? We've never talked to each other it's been mainly text and pics back and forth being silly. She wanted me to do this game with her where I did pics of silly faces she had made in the past and I did them to let her know that I am the person in the pictures. I didn't want to force her to do the game, because she's sensitive, and she's good at ignoring things that I say or she'll work around it.

    It's not like we haven't talked about talking before, actually she brought it up first, but she quickly said she had to do something and that was the end of that.

    Okay, so what should come first.. me talking to her on the phone? or me seeing her in person? Am I being silly - I feel silly, but I just needed to get it out. I know it's about trust and I try to ignore all the possibilities, because it makes the days go by slow.

    She left today for a trip for Thanksgiving and I'm already thinking about her. I feel like that's a good thing.

    I know I'm speaking too much, but thanks anyways.

    your not silly! 3 months and your still not talking on the phone? thats a little sketchy to me, but then again she may be shy. i would try calling her. without asking, maybe in the middle of you 2 texting or something?

    hope i could be a help and im here to talk if you need to!

    I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together - Julia Roberts


      Maybe I worded something wrong, I don't have her number. It's through an instant messenger.

      I'm not trying to force anything though. I want things to be fluid with her, so taking my time isn't really a problem, but it can be hard thinking about 'is this real?'


        yea sorry i misunderstood you said text thats why D:

        & completely agree with the "is this real thing" when i was in highschool i met someone online, and it was like that for a while we talked on MSN alot.. i would always go on web cam but he never would, he'd send pics but idk not when i'd ask they would be spur of the moments. we texted after a while adn tehn talked on the phone.. i felt like i was in love.. made plans to visit he always backed out last minute.. it kept getting sketchier and sketchier.. i finally broke it out of him, he lied about so much... we're friends now! but nothing more

        i guess you have to follow your heart and if you feel like its worth waiting out a little longer

        have you asked to exchange numbers yett?
        I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together - Julia Roberts


          I met Enrique within a month of us getting together, but that was because my mom insisted she knew what internet predator I was gonna bring home XP. She knows I have a knack for meeting random strangers on the internet :P. I would personally talk on the phone before meeting in person. Mostly so it won't be such a shock when you see each other face to face. Voice is one thing a lot of people don't seem to think about, but it's important. You get a feel more about their personality when you can hear them say the words they usually type.


            i agree, i deff would have never been able to drive to NJ from MA without talking to bryan before!
            I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together - Julia Roberts


              Yeah, she normally just sends me photos randomly, but they always pertain to something she talks about doing the day/night before. Like a party, mall, etc.. and I trust her enough to go to parties or hang out with people, because she's open with me about whether a guy hits on her or not.

              She brought up calling eachother first, but got distracted and had to do something. I haven't brought it up since, because maybe I don't like the feeling of rejection. I'm not sure how she'll respond to it and I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk to her or not, but I am ready to be with her, so maybe that's crazy. She lives pretty close, 1-2 hours away. I can't see meeting up being a problem it's just bringing the topic up that might be a bit iffy.


                well since she has brought it up once, my best advice is atleast you should try once. deff explain how your feeling and how you think it would be better to exchange numbers or talk. the opinion will clearly fall on your shoulders wether to meet or talk first. just take all the circumstances into consideration. and if you trust her then it should be no biggy
                I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together - Julia Roberts


                  @Darth_Taco: I can see what you mean. Every voice holds a lot of character, luckily she sent me one of her singing a song. I haven't been bold enough to sing her a song, because I'm not as good a singer as her. But, yes, talking first seemed reasonable. I'm not thinking clearly right now, it's 2:42 AM and I can't get this girl out of my head.

                  @ber6810: I've always thought about what if she's feeling the same way I am, how can I tell? I'm able to read her pretty well, even if it's only through im'ing. I guess it just seems hard to bring up something like that since we haven't for three months. There's always time to start and I think speaking with her she might be shyer than through chatting, which would seem reasonable because I'm the same way. Maybe I'll bring it up when she gets back Sunday, who knows.


                    yea agreed, its 2:42 im so tired but my bryan gets up for work at 3 and i like talking to him before he goes in and your right there is deff never a bad time to start, you have the long weekend to think about how to approach it, i don't want to get into your realtionship but are you's like really romantic and lovey? if you's are i deff think you have nothing to lose and the shyness is cute when your on the phone. it brings good laughs later down the road
                    I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together - Julia Roberts


                      I agree that you should talk first. I know that I can come across really different online because I have a lot more time to think about what I say, talking will help you get to know her even better. If she's brought it up before she should be open to the idea. I know it can be scary, but it could be that she's just as nervous as you are so go for it!

                      "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                      -- Anonymous


                        I don't mind and I feel kind of selfish being on here though. Maybe I'll let her know about this, too.

                        We are pretty romantic. A stream of 'i love yous' that would go for miles. There's nothing really to hide when there's love in the air, and I feel it all the time when I'm spending time with her.

                        We have a movie night, which is pretty self-explanatory. She's grown on me faster than I would've ever expected. I do feel clingy though, because I haven't been in a relationship for a while and my last one ended pretty bad - we've talked about ex's.

                        So yeah, mhm.. lol


                          I wouldnt feel selfish, maybe let her know, she might like this site also!

                          and if you's are romantic, then you should deffinately feel comfortable, just taking it at your own pace it's okay to feel clingy i think its normal and it really shows how much you care for that person! If you's are streaming I love yous then hopefully she would understand your want for progression with your relationship

                          your yah, mhm makes you seem really happy!
                          I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together - Julia Roberts


                            @LostInLove: I appreciate your input. I'll try it out and reply with how it goes.

                            @ber6810: Oh, I am extremely happy. Unfortunately, I don't have a mobile hotspot to travel to the peak of the nearest mountain to scream my love for her. Just been thinking about her since she left and needed to talk about her. Thing is is that she's done a trip like this before, back in August, for school. It was easier to let her go now, because I feel that she's mine and more or less know that she's mine.

                            I will bring up the topic about progression. I think it's a good one and could bring out some new, interesting evenings.


                              Yea understandable. The more you fall for her the more trust will build. so hopefully when she gets back it will all run smoothly.

                              Since the both of you are shy, maybe baby steps will be the best option?

                              "it shouldnt matter how long it takes to get there, as long as you get there together"

                              I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together - Julia Roberts

