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Feeling down

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    Feeling down

    I got home early this morning, I haven't been home since August. It's really nice but...the last time I was here my SO was here as well. I looked in my drawer and saw a strand of his hair and became sad. I tried to brush it off though and just try to have good thoughts. So today I went to see Megamind with my mom. During the visit my SO and I went to the same mall and saw two movies. The sadness wouldn't leave me. I wanted to go to starbucks but that would remind me of him as well And then my mom and I went to McDonald's, which is right across the street from the Arby's, where we first went when he first came. And now I'm sitting at home feeling all awkward and sad. I just needed to kind of rant, but does this happen to anyone else? .-.

    When certain things remind me of my SO, I do become upset or, sometimes I just smile whether it's fondly or sadly and recall the moment. Sure he's not with you now, but you have the good memories of those places, conversations you might've had there, and so on. Try to cling more to those moments than the thought of "we went there once, he isn't here." All the same, sending a big hug your way and hope you can get through it.


      In this case I'm glad I visited and not vice versa, or I'd be in terrible shape for a while. Yet still even little things remind me of our time together and it hurts.


        That happens to me sometimes...usually within the first week or two after one of us leaves. Ill go to the mall we always used to go to and feel sad...there's a place in SD called Seaport Village and its a gorgeous area with water and shops and all kinds of unique things and we've had so many special dates there, it was the place I knew for sure I fell in love with I always feel sad when I see it, I can't go there without him anymore. Same goes for a place called Balboa Park, with rose gardens and museums and all sorts of things. But yea...I always feel tiny things like that ever so often. I miss him every time I look at the ring on my finger.


          Actually I hadn't really thought about that but I agree. I'm glad I was the one that visited.


            For me the first day back at work was hard after he left. Someone was driving his company car, so it was still in the lot. His name was still on the phone list, and someone else was in his old desk so every time I paged that person his name would pop up on the screen...that was hard. But it got better, and now it's nice to have those reminders that he was here, and for me most of them are reminders that he's coming back to visit soon too.

            "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
            -- Anonymous


              i don't like to go in the city and in the mall alone, because I will just remember those days we were walking and holding hands together, he likes to tease me at the escalator (lol) like he wanted to push me and then he will hold me back my shoulder and then hold my hands so tight and kiss me on my head saying "don't worry babe, I won't let you go, Promise!"
              It really makes me sad and lonely everytime I saw a thing that it only reminds me about him


                I 100% relate to your situation! Me and my SO live together here in the UK, he is now visiting family in South Africa for just over 3 and half months as well as having surgery out there. Because we live together EVERYTHING reminds me of him. When he is over there in South Africa there is nothing really that reminds him of me, only small things form when I have visited his family with him in the past.

                Yesterday I felt exactly the same as you. My SO and I love this restaurant called Sizzlers, and 3 days before he left we went there for dinner. Last night my family wanted to go there to try it out. On the journey there I felt so down and lonely, it was still so raw as it was only 2 weeks since he left. Then I faced it head on and kinda blocked things but remebered things with a smile at the same time. It was soooo hard but I came out feeling more content. Everytime I have to face something that reminds me of us (which is almost everything) I try to just face it. Its sad but you get over it. I wont stop missing him, I wont stop craving for his affection, but I am beginning to smile at the things that remind me of him rather than get upset about them. Of course the first time you face them it will be hard, but once you do it, revisiting those memories wont be as painful.

                I have rambled, and I am sorry =)

