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    i don't get to spend thanksgiving with eric but we're skyping so we have the next best thing, and i will be seeing him in 24 days for christmas!

    i am so thankful for everyone in my life, my wonderful family, friends, and of course amazing boyfriend <3

    i also have a new thing to be thankful for this thanksgiving.. this website. it has helped me get through tough times, and happy times, and i feel so much like a family on this website. i thank you all so much for the love and support you give me each and everyday to get through this LDR.. thanks so much to michelle and frank for making this website and family!


    awww babe aren't you so thankful I have you in my life, you are truely amazing and I can't explain how happy I am that you are going to be here for Christmas I love you so much <3
    My <3 is in Connecticut


      Happy Thanksgiving.


        Happy Thanksgiving


          Happy Thanksgiving

          For me, it's a little bittersweet. I'm in England, and my partner is in the US, and no matter how much effort she makes to make me feel included, I still feel a bit left-out of her day. It's just been a completely normal work day for me, and she isn't around to talk to because she is spending the time with her family. I really miss her, and wish I was around to share her special day and spend quality time with her and her lovely family. Sorry to be a moaning minnie


            Happy Thanksgiving from Germany.
            We don't celebrate it, but I'd still like to mention what I am thankful for:
            First of all I am thankful for my parents, for being the most supportive people I have ever known and that will stand behind me, no matter what I do, and those two also were the people that made my exchange year to the U.S possible, which leads me into my second point: I'm sooo thankful that I got to be an exchange last year and that I met my wonderful, stunning, amazing and gorgeous SO there. Who I am also unbelievebly thankful for. He is my love, my happiness, my soulmate and my everything and I am more than thankful to call him mine <3


              My Thanksgiving will be on Sunday when my SO gets here. We'll be making our own Thanksgiving meal!

              For everyone else, Happy Thanksgiving!

              "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
              - A. A. Milne


                Happy Thanksgiving from Canada We already had ours like a month ago :P Sucks.


                  Yaay! Happy Thanksgiving all!

                  Don't get to spend the day with my SO but feeling good anyway as last night he got online after midnight after a long day just to tell me goodnight We might not get the holidays together but I still have those moments where I know our spark is still burning stong and it is for that I am thankful. I'll be spending the day with my family instead which, considering we only do it about 2-3 times a year, will be fun.


                    Happy turkey day!

                    I've missed out on both Canada's and the US's thanksgivings lol I was in the US for Canada's and now i'm in Canada for the US's ah so no yummy turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rolls, mashed potatos, gravy and pumpkin pie for me this year =(

                    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                      Happy turkey day!

                      I've missed out on both Canada's and the US's thanksgivings lol I was in the US for Canada's and now i'm in Canada for the US's ah so no yummy turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rolls, mashed potatos, gravy and pumpkin pie for me this year =(
                      Sorry to hear that! I was around when everyone I knew who was Canadian was like, Happy Thanksgiving! And I was like... It's not for me for months. :P

                      But anywho, for those who it applies to, Happy Thanksgiving!


                        Happy Thanksgiving!
                        I'm so thankful for my family, friends, my amazing girlfriend, and my beautiful daughters <3


                          This Thanksgiving is bittersweet for me because one year ago I was with David in Oregon spending Thanksgiving with him and his family. I definitely miss him and I miss them all...I'll be thinking of them all day. However I'm thankful we've made it this far, thankful that I have air in my lungs and a roof over my head, thankful for my family and friends, thankful I am healthy, and definitely thankful for my love, David =]


                            Happy Thanksgiving to All!!

                            I'm thankful for the love and support of my family and friends, for my wonderful bf, and my beautiful boys (even when they make me bonkers! lol). Oh, and I'm thankful that I've found this site and all of you!!!


                              happy thanksgiving!! sadly i dont get to spend it with Denise but im thankful that i have her in my life, without her i dont know where i would be

