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    My dream kiss is to be standing in the pouring summer rain and being completly soaked while kissing each other. We wouldn't care about the rain because all that matters is the kiss


      I wanna kiss in the rain or snow for sure...and obviously the kiss I'm waiting for my whole life will be after we become husband and wife =]


        Honestly, my dream kiss is the day we no longer have this distance between us. It's when I can kiss him every day...anytime I want to do so!


          Not necessarily my "dream kiss", but two kisses that are the most memorable are:
          Our first kiss, I swear, the sparks must've lit up the area. /nod And like Owen said, when we got married, she had timed it out so that it happened as the sun was rising. Of course, like everyone else has said, all of our kisses are memorable and dream worthy.


            Originally posted by jerseygirl904 View Post
            Honestly, my dream kiss is the day we no longer have this distance between us. It's when I can kiss him every day...anytime I want to do so!
            [CENTER]"True love doesn't mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes."


              id have to say the kiss that is constantly on my mind will be our new years eve kisss when i see him next. im soooooooooooooooooooooooo0o0o0o0o excited for it . it'll be a fresh start to everything when a new year comes, and i cant wait to start it with him. lame, i know. i couldn't be more of a broad.

              p.s: what is the big deal about kissing in the rain? i never caught on to that cliche


                p.s: what is the big deal about kissing in the rain? i never caught on to that cliche
                I'm not sure if it's supposed to be mainly a girl-led cliche, but I absolutely HATE the rain. ...That being said, it has been done I think more than once. Our 4th of July it ended up raining, so we were hiding out under the awning of an elementary school where we "were" going to watch fireworks. Instead we took the opportunity to do the kiss in the rain, and then I rushed us home... >.> <.<

                Maybe if it was like, a light drizzle? But like, pouring hard, my first instinct is to go run under something! :O


                  Originally posted by Rane View Post
                  I'm not sure if it's supposed to be mainly a girl-led cliche, but I absolutely HATE the rain. ...That being said, it has been done I think more than once. Our 4th of July it ended up raining, so we were hiding out under the awning of an elementary school where we "were" going to watch fireworks. Instead we took the opportunity to do the kiss in the rain, and then I rushed us home... >.> <.<

                  Maybe if it was like, a light drizzle? But like, pouring hard, my first instinct is to go run under something! :O
                  Thats what I'm sayin. It's enough to have saliva all over the place while you're kissing. I dont see the point in adding wet hair and heavy jeans into the mix.


                    I can't wait for our kiss as we become man and wife, but until then I have another in mind that I hope I can get this next visit.

                    I want us to be curled up on the couch together, under a nice blanket enjoying a movie as it's snowing. He tilts my head up and gives me a romantic kiss. BAH. It makes me melt to think about.


                      My dream kiss.....I think I've had it. There's this wonderful view of the ocean and the first time my boyfriend was up here I took him there and told him I loved him for the first time and he pulled me in and kissed me So romantic!


                        I'm going to agree with a few of you about the dream kiss being after the "you may now kiss the bride". <3
                        LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
                        Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
                        Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                          My dream kiss isn't even on my lips


                            Originally posted by Stephanieeee View Post
                            Thats what I'm sayin. It's enough to have saliva all over the place while you're kissing. I dont see the point in adding wet hair and heavy jeans into the mix.
                            Hahaha But seriously, one of my favorite kisses was in the rain lol. For us it was just the joy of having rain finally!! Hot season was sooo long this year in Mali and we were sick of never seeing the thermometer under 110 degrees. So that first rain, we rain outside and danced around in it and kissed.


                              GOT MY KISS IN THE SNOW!! Just yesterday.. It was the best day EVER! And we didn't even do anything. We sat curled up on my couch all day.. And then into the snow.. And then at the Train station when he had to leave. It sucks when he leaves. I only get him for a day. That's it. A DAY! But still every single one of those days is amazing.
                              Although this distance breaks my heart,
                              And it's unbearable when we're apart,
                              I know that it will all be fine,
                              As my heart is yours,
                              And yours is mine.. <3

