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    Today I got a FB message from one of our WoW friends. This was great because I haven't played in a few weeks and I do miss them. He asked if we were both ok because he hadn't seen me online in a long time, my SO seemed a bit 'down' in game and someone told him the reason was because we had broken up. O.O It knocked the wind out of me.

    I reassured him that wasn't the case and had a bit of a laugh about it with my SO who said "Did they say who broke up with who?" I said, "I was a bit too stunned to ask any questions".

    After my SO and I said goodnight, I started feeling so mad and then insecure about the whole thing because I hate the thought about others spreading rumours about me. My SO and I haven't seen a lot of each other lately, and I don't need rumours making me insecure, I can do that all by myself.

    So I guess the question is "Have you been the subject of rumours, good or bad, in your LDR?"

    That's a horrible rumour to make up. That would make me feel insecure too.
    I can't say I have had any rumours said about me but there have been numerous things that have happened in my LDR to make me feel extremely insecure, doesn't help that I'm a worrier and completely paranoid. I know feeling insecure can be really hard, I just try my best not to think about things, tell myself off when I know I'm thinking about things that'll feed my insecurity.
    Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


      That's a horrible rumour to make up. That would make me feel insecure too.
      I can't say I have had any rumours said about me but there have been numerous things that have happened in my LDR to make me feel extremely insecure, doesn't help that I'm a worrier and completely paranoid. I know feeling insecure can be really hard, I just try my best not to think about things, tell myself off when I know I'm thinking about things that'll feed my insecurity.
      Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


        I've had rumors of the opposite kind :P. Everyone assumes I'm engaged and living with Enrique XP. We live across the street from each other now, and we barely agreed like 2 days ago this was a serious relationship, very far off! D:< We've been together almost 2 1/2 years, and most people in my family have been married almost or over a year by that time XP. Better than the breaking up rumors, but the assumptions I get aren't fun either.


          noooo....not really but if im upset about something and my mom knows that shes like "did you and Denise break up or something?" *rolls eyes* and im like no you expecting it???? never had any rumors about us that i know of anyway


            I haven't heard any rumors exactly, but I have friends back at home who assumed me and Scott broke up when I moved, or they're pretty much anticipating that we will break up soon. They're always like "Oh, you're still dating Scott?" I always get a little nervous when they say stuff like that because I'm afraid they'll follow it with something like "I saw him out on a date with this girl, that's why I'm surprised." But, of course, it's never that... It's just my friends being cynical.

            But I totally get you on the whole insecurity thing. That's definitely how I feel when people assume things about me and Scott.
            [CENTER]"True love doesn't mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes."


              Ahhh bless your heart. Hope you are feeling better now.

              At the beginning 5 years ago nearly we used to have rumours about us all the time. Because my SO's job is a professional motorbike racer. So girls especially used to make things up and spread rumours. Now we have been together for so long and everyone sees how good our relationship is, they know there is no point, as no one will believe them.


                Everyone has been victim to rumours, in and out of their relationship. It is up to you whether you give the rumours power or not.
                People love to gossip and that is how it is.


                  Not enough of our mutual friends know about us, but I know my mom enjoys spreading rumors when she can about us or him.

                  Seriously though, just because you guys don't talk 24/7 someone thought you split? Geeze Louise if that were the rule I'd have been single months ago.


                    *Gets axes ready...and gets in berserk-er stance* Ok, im going to find out who it is and pwn me a noob!

                    (Its a wow thing ;P) Kiss, love you babe!
                    Dear God the only thing I ask of you
                    Is to hold her when I'm not around
                    When I'm much too far away
                    -Avenged Sevenfold "Dear God"


                      SO and I have already had to deal with rumors, and we're still close-distance. One of his exes is dating one of my exes, and my ex apparently started a rumor that I turned SO gay, because I was that ugly. What's worse is that a handful of people actually believed him.
                      LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
                      Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
                      Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


                        I never had to deal with people spreading rumors, but I'm sorry you have to, there's already enough to deal with being in an LDR to add that to the mix. =/ I'll go track em down and throw a Starfire at their face. /nod

