I haven't talked to my SO for over a week and he can't come up for holidays. I've been so lonely. any advice?
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Arts and crafts have been getting me through a lot of lonely days/nights.It's nice to make stuff for your friends/family or SO... I have a blog full of crafty ideas/tuts (ohthatscrafty.blogspot.com) Keeping a blog has taken up some of my free time as well...
[CENTER]"True love doesn't mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes."
I haven't had a solid conversation with my SO (not including the texts I send he once in a blue moon replies to) in near a month. It's been this way since May.
Basically, you have to learn not to revolve your life around your SO. There's a difference between wanting to be with them/talk with them a lot and "omg I'm going to die if my phone doesn't ring 50 times today." If you have friends where you are, make dates with them to see movies, go to the mall, the bookstore, whatever. Pick up old hobbies, find new ones, clean the apartment, get a pet; anything to keep you busy and living your life as an individual. Because that's the beauty of an LDR, we can be our own person and still be in a relationship. That aside, there's nothing wrong with sending the occasional "hey I miss you" message or the "when you have time, can you give me a call?" one.
Originally posted by EBKitty View PostWhy haven't you all been talking?
That really does suck. Although I do agree with LadyMarchHare that being in a LDR means you still get to be your own person at the same time being in a LDR means you need to have some form of communication on a regular basis.
It is true though, you need to keep yourself busy. There's a whole other thread started with ways to keep yourself occupied. Hopefully Rosebud will put it into a blog entry toohttps://members.lovingfromadistance......or-something
And try and arrange a way of talking as soon as you can. Even if its just a quick 10minute catch up it'll be really helpful. Skype, phone, text, PM's - whatever way you can.Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.
Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!
And remember....Love really IS all around.
I say definitely do something to distract yourself. Either something that reminds you of your SO, making them something if you're craft-sy, or just write up a love letter to send? I found when Garnet was in the hospital, even though I couldn't talk to her, it helped to just email her anyways, and let her know I'm thinking about her. Or, you could go the other way and do some solo activities to get your mind away from the subject. Then when you do talk, you'll have more to talk about? I don't know, I hope that helps at all. Good luck getting through.