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New Relationship - any ideas?

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    New Relationship - any ideas?

    So my boyfriend and I started dating about a month ago, after 3+ years of friendship and a really solid foundation. I was visiting his town (in Michigan) for a funeral when we made it official, which got us off to a great start together, but now that we're apart (I'm back in Seattle) it's driving me crazy. Ugh. I'm so happy to be dating him, but the distance may drive us both crazy.

    My question is, what can I send him as a reminder of me? He gave me a sweatshirt and a bottle of cologne so that I have his smell close by, but what would he want that smells like me? It's not like he can wear it, so my practice mind struggles to find something meaningful

    Thanks everyone! I'm so glad I found this site...I feel like it's going to help me out through some crazy tough times in the next couple of months/years.

    If you wear a certain perfume/body spray you could send him a bottle of it. I mean it's not like you wear his cologne so it's not like he'd wear the perfume. Maybe you could make a picture frame and put a picture of you both (if you have such a pic) in it or just you for his room. I'd say send something meaningful to you but you guys have only been dating a month so I'd say it's a bit soon for that. Sweatshirts can be replaced, so it's no huge deal. Right now I'd go with something simple and handmade, maybe a snippet of cloth like from an old shirt. Something like that.

    And don't worry, the distance does hurt, but you find ways around the pain and the craziness.


      You could always give him a pillow that smells like you or make him a blanket, especially since it's getting chilly outside. Every time he falls asleep, he'll think about you, and every time he wakes up, he'll think of you.

      And I agree, the distance is driving me crazy too! Just keep yourself busy and it won't be as bad!
      I miss you


        I agree with the sending a bottle of your perfume idea. When we were LD, Garnet sent me, among other things, a bottle of her perfume. Sometimes I would spray it on the edge of my comforter/on my pillow before I went to bed, but even just randomly I would open up the top and smell it (If that doesn't sound too creepy. :P), without spraying or anything. It reminded me of her, and didn't make the whole bottle go away.


          One thing Enrique and I would do after every visit is trade some of each other's stuff. I'd have a t-shirt of him I'd sleep with every night, he'd have the last shirt I had which began to smell just like me :P. I'd also lend him some of my random stuff like a comic book, a shoe (long story XP), and one time a blood stain xD (longer story ;_;!). Letters! I'd always have a letter or something like that prepared for visits. He'd either read it after I left or while I was in the room is he was being impatient. He still has them xD.

          Now we closed the distance, and I actually miss that a bit ;_;. Fortunately he sleeps here so often he constantly leaves his crap here XP. Reminds me that I need to clean up that blood stain now that I live across the street...


            You could purchase a tshirt that is his size and sleep in it. When it has enough of your scent on it then send it to him, that way he can sleep with your scent on the tshirt. Or spray a teddybear with your perfume.
            If you have any inside jokes where you could buy an item that reminds him of it that would be cute. It would be meaningless to others but it would mean the world to him.

            Or a necklace that divides into two parts, and you keep one and send the other to him.


              I like the bottle of your perfume/body spray and a pillow case idea. I know when I move, I'm going to buy some of SO's cologne and take it with me.
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