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Strange feeling and a question !

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    Strange feeling and a question !

    Hi there !

    So first of all, I will quickly introduce me... or I would say my LDR.
    So we are both 18, we met in London as we were studying there. I'm from Switzerland she's from Colombia. We have been together for 7 months, living approx. 3 months together EVERYDAY, then 3 other months seeing each other twice a month, and for the last one of the three, 1 full month. She went back to her country last week... I'm going there in april...

    At the moment, everything is fine, but as it's the beggining, I have quite a lot of questions in my mind. We are speaking everyday as she hasn't started university yet (january). She told her parents about me, and they are fine about it, her father even told her she could finish her studies in Switzerland (in 2 years time).

    Even though, I feel strange. I don't want to seem "macho", but I feel like I'm the girl and she's the man (if we follow the stereotypes )

    For example, I'm the romantic one, I'm the one who's always worried about what she's doing, I'm the one who's intense to speak, I'm the one who's subscribed in this website, I'm the one who ordered a LDR bracelet
    I'm not saying she's not doing anything, not at all, she's acting normally I'd say, I'm probably the excessive one... as a woman should be according to the stereotypes

    Well... let's change the topic and go forward to my question.
    So I've spoken a little bit with her parents via Skype, basic stuff like "Hi how are you, how's everything blablabla" but I wonder if they are really conscious of how much I love their daughter and how important this relation is for me...

    So my question is, do you think it would be a good idea to write an email to her father ?

    Well, thank you for reading my "book"

    It might be nice. I don't think you really need to but he would probably appreciate it.


      Depending on what you write in the email. Maybe you should run the idea by your SO first, she knows her father better then anyone so she might give you some insight in how you should approach him
      I think it is cute that you are breaking the stereotypical view of how a man is supposed to be


        Hi and welcome to the site. In my honest opinion, I don't think that is necessary. I would probably ask your SO what she thinks first. After all, she knows her fathers character more than anyone. She should be able to tell if that's something he would appreciate or not. Also, I'm sure engaging more with her parents will come in due time.

        On the other hand, I DO appreciate your honesty and willingness to get closer with your girlfriend and her family. That is very sweet.


          I would wait a bit longer to write an email like that. Many people find strong emotional emails uncomfortable or even as a sign of immaturity, so I would ask your SO first. How about becoming fb friends or just getting to know them as people? It may work out better. It depends on what effect you want to achieve.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            Well firstly, I hate the male stereotype that we all watch football, and fix cars, and don't show emotion, because we're men damnit! /grunt

            That aside... Back to your question! I agree it would be a good idea to talk to your SO about how she thinks it would go first, and then start without just jumping head first into the emailing. You know, maybe write him an email saying how you'd like the opportunity to get to know him better, as you care a lot about his daughter, etc. etc., whatever you would say.


              Hmmm I see, yes I will probably speak about that with her... I mean, I have already "spoken" with the parents a few minutes and they were smiling and everything... Even the father told my SO that "I look nice"

              I dont like those stereotypes neither, but something I feel strange, Im not worried at all, but I'm always asking questions about myself, probably too much...
              As Silviar said, I'm scared he thinks I'm immature or "too much into it" with writing him an email... I guess this would depend on what I write in it... and with this I MUST be careful :o
              With Facebook, I feel like it's even closer than the email... I just have her sister on Facebook, and we have spoken approx. 10 mins a few nights ago... I mean they seem to like me, but I dont want to be to pushy, and I dont want neither them to think our relationship is something that will pass with the time...

              Definitely I will speak with my SO about that, and then I will make a choice... anyway, risks are part of our lives

              Thank you for all your answer, if someone has something to add, I would be greatful

