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Going The Distance

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    Going The Distance

    I just thought I'd remind all of my LFAD friends that "Going the distance" comes out on DVD tomorrow. I am looking forward to renting it.

    Both my SO and I have not seen it yet, so we are going to be complete nerds tomorrow night, Skype & watch it together.

    Anyone planning on renting/buying it? Or those of you who have seen it, how was it? Any thoughts? I'm curious to see how true to a real LDR the movie is. I'm hoping it's not a let down!

    I am very anxious to see it, I'll have to rent it from redbox or netflix soon so my SO and I can watch it!

    Madly in love with Michael


      Does anyone know when this is going to be on Netflix?
      First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


        Just checked my netflix and it won't be on there until 12/28 ...Guess I'll cheat on my netflix account and try to redbox it!


          I can't wait to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            I saw it and it was a cute movie. Not oscar-worthy or anything, but entertaining. I could relate to some of the parts in it, and I bet anyone in a LDR could.


              I loved it! it's on my Christmas list and I totally want to watch it with Clay
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                Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
                Just checked my netflix and it won't be on there until 12/28 ...Guess I'll cheat on my netflix account and try to redbox it!

                Thank you!
                First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                  I wish we could still watch it on skype. Did anyone else notice that they don't let you watch movies with screen sharing anymore? I got an update and it will barely let you watch youtube.


                    I don't want to be the Debbie Downer here but I didn't really like it. I thought that it was really contrived, like they were trying too hard to have dirty jokes just to be funny. It was also one of the only roles I've seen Drew Barrymore in that I didn't like her character. I liked the guy much better and was rooting for him to leave her
                    Last edited by mllebamako; November 30, 2010, 01:31 AM.


                      I saw this movies in the theater and as much as I really wanted to like it, the more it sunk in after I'd watched it, the more I realized I didn't. I feel like they missed out on so many aspects on LDRs that a lot of us go through-faulty technology that makes communication difficult, when their friends disapproved it was done jokingly and not as a real issue that I know a lot of us have to deal with, although it did show that they missed one another I felt it was sort of just glossed over and didn' really portray how painful it can be to be away from someone you love and their arguements didn't seem very deep. I was sad since Drew Barrymore is one of my all-time favorite actresses and I really wanted to see her in a film about LDRs since there likely won't be another one for a long time. Sure, it's cute in it's own way, but not what I recommend when trying to show friends and family how it feels to be in a LDR.


                        Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
                        I don't want to be the Debbie Downer here but I didn't really like it. I thought that it was really contrived, like they were trying too hard to have dirty jokes just to be funny. It was also one of the only roles I've seen Drew Barrymore in that I didn't like her character. I liked the guy much better and was rooting for him to leave her

                        Haha! Oh boy, that doesn't sound too good! I like Justin Long a whole lot too.

                        Getting ready to watch it with my SO.. I will let yall know what I think!


                          We loved that movie!!! We watched at the same time in the theater... him in California... me in New Jersey... I have been waiting for it to come out so that I could buy it!!! We both got teary during the airport scenes...


                            I actually really didn't enjoy it at all! My SO and I went to see it and I was soooo excited about it I waited until I could see it with him. It was our first time at the movies together and we didn't enjoy it at all. The plot was lacking and I felt like there wasn't much development and on top of that we didn't really feel as though we could relate to the movie or take much from their relationship in terms of helping us. But I do recommend that all of us in LDR's at least check it out...for us it became a source of a good laugh but maybe it will be more relevant for others.


                              I saw it in theaters... I just found myself crying on my friends shoulder a majority of the time... lol It was too soon to watch it...oh well, cute movie

