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Our Thanksgiving

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    Our Thanksgiving

    I meant to do this yesterday, but I was so tired. I just thought some people might like to hear about our visit in detail. I understand if you don't want to bore yourself with it though.

    So, we've been in an LDR for about a year and 5 months, and I paid for him to fly here for Thanksgiving. Monday night we went to bed early. On Tuesday night, I stayed up until 2:30 my time (3:30 his) until he had to drive 1 and a half hours to the airport. We were so excited, and time couldn't go fast enough. After he left, I went to bed (and slept badly). I woke up at 5:30 and forced myself to watch TV so I wouldn't go insane with the anticipation. I checked messenger and had a message from him saying that he'd reached the first airport safely and was about to board. My parents drove me to the airport at 9:00, and we arrived there around 9:40. We checked the board, and his flight was on time according to it. It was supposed to arrive at 10:33. I sat down and worked on some logic puzzles while I waited (yeah, I'm a nerd). I had to keep myself occupied. X3 I kept looking at the board, just waiting for his flight to say ARRIVED in big red letters. He showed up before that ever happened. I was still doing my logic puzzle stuff. It felt so awkward. I put the book down, stood up, and gave him a hug. My parents said hi and introduced themselves. They were really nice. We grabbed his bag and headed to the car. I didn't let go of his hand the whole time. I poked his nose. :3 I'd promised him I would. We sat in the back seat of the car. I sat in the middle seat, so I could be closer to him. I took my ring off (I wore it on a chain around my neck) and gave it to him. I still felt a little awkward, but I was feeling more comfortable. We ate at Olive Garden with my parents, and it was really nice. We chatted naturally enough, and they seemed to like him. We got home, and I showed him around. He got his favorite hoodie out of his luggage and gave it to me. I wore it the entire time, and I will wear it every day. We only stayed home for a few minutes. I wanted to see a movie, so we went to see Tangled. (Good movie btw.) By the time I was driving us to the theater, it felt completely natural to be with him. We cuddled through the entire movie. It felt good to be in his arms. After the movie, I took him to meet my grandparents (who were also very nice), and we headed to church so I could show him off. Everyone was nice and welcoming, and they were happy to see me happy. After that we spent a quiet evening at home.

    The next day was Thanksgiving. We spent the whole day around my house. Thanksgiving dinner was at my uncle's house (it's just a few feet behind mine). Chris loved the food, and my family treated him very nicely. He felt welcome there. He and I watched a DVD and played Mousetrap. He beat me. D: It was a quiet and relaxing day, and it was so wonderful to be with him. I was extremely happy. My dog started to love him. It's so strange. She's a Katrina rescue dog, and she was extremely fearful when we got her. She's still getting used to my grandparents who live next door, and any new people scare her. She let Chris pet her (*gasp*) and she played with him a little one day (*hell freezes over*). It was shocking, but it was really sweet. He loved both of my dogs. (The other dog automatically decides everyone is her new best friend, so no shock that she loved him.)

    Friday, it rained, so we changed our plans to go to the Renaissance Festival and went to the mall instead. I really wanted us to go to Build-A-Bear to make stuffed animals for each other. (I uploaded photos of them. :3) I thought it was funny how much Chris thought like me. When he chose the animal he wanted to make me, he chose the one that most caught my eye as we looked. We dressed them up as a bride and groom, and he liked the two dresses that I liked, and he chose the one that I liked a little better. (I wouldn't give him any hints. I'm so mean.) He also picked out a really cute pair of shoes for her. I love the color (yeah, they're not white, and I like it that way). I named his wolf after a dog of his that he really loved (Hobo), and he named my bunny after me (Lilly). After we finished there, we headed to Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro for dinner and desert. The food was just perfect. I'd been telling him how awesome Copeland's cheesecake is (best ever), and he wouldn't believe me because he has professional chefs in his family, and he loved their cheesecake. As we shared a slice of caramel creme cheesecake, he decided that I was right. Haha. I told him. The rest of the day was a quiet evening at home with lots of cuddling and kissing.

    It was sunny again for our last day, so we went to the Renaissance Festival. We watched a few of the shows (a music show, a comedy show, and the joust). They were corny, but it was really good, and we had a great time watching them. We got harassed by a random worker who decided that I had the look of a shopper... weaving between the shops, mesmerized by the things in them. I laughed when he said to Chris, "Look out, sir! She wants shiny things and soft fabrics!" I found out that Chris has good taste in jewelry. :3 Yay me! We bought matching heart necklaces at one shop (and I got the matching earrings). We only take them off to shower and sleep (don't want to damage them). We stayed there from a little after 10:00 until about 3:00. After that, we headed to Applebee's. So good. We cuddled in the restaurant and got weird looks. Oh well. I didn't care. We got home, and I didn't go to bed that night. We spent the entire night cuddling and crying off and on. I didn't want him to leave. It hurt so much to think he'd be gone.

    We didn't sleep well, and it was time to take him to the airport before we knew it. We cried on the car ride over there, and we cried at the airport. We kissed each other goodbye, and I told him to message me when he got home so I'd know he was safe. I cried on the ride home and at random times throughout the day. He told me he fought tears in the plane. When I went to church, I was so tired and barely awake. I think I must have been slipping in and out of sleep because I kept seeing Chris so vividly. I took a nap, and afterward, I felt better. I still had his hoodie. I had the bunny he made me. I found a sock he accidentally left behind. He gave me his Zune HD right before he left me at the airport. He's all around me still. I'm so happy. We had a great time. I loved him just as much in person. It confirmed what I already knew about him--that he is right for me. We were smiling and laughing together on webcam that night, and we're still happy. The visit did a lot of good for our relationship, and I plan to see him again no later than next Thanksgiving, but it's very possible that I'll see him sooner.

    If you made it through all this, you get a cookie. Check out our pictures if you want.

    I hope Chris will post a reply to this thread to put his 2 cents worth in.

    Thats adorable! I'm happy for you that you had such a great break. I had a great break too, mine was a bit more emotional, fighting with parents, he and I also went thru a time in which we learned about each other. It was great!


      Originally posted by AshleyH View Post
      Thats adorable! I'm happy for you that you had such a great break. I had a great break too, mine was a bit more emotional, fighting with parents, he and I also went thru a time in which we learned about each other. It was great!
      I'm sorry about the fighting and all, but it's great to hear you had a great time with your SO. I love hearing about everyone's happy visits. It's encouraging to me.


        Awww that sounds awesome. Glad you had a good time.


          I'm glad you two had such a great visit and that everyone liked your SO
          LFAD Book Reading Challenge: 3/25
          -Book's finished: Dreamfever, Time Enough For Love, Oceans Apart

          -Currently Reading: Dark Lover by J.R. Ward, The Shack


            I'm glad you had such a wonderful time!
            LFAD Book Challenge: 4/25 Complete
            Currently Reading: Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (219/1463 pages read)
            Total Pages Read This Year: 3283


              It sounds like you guys had a great time and I'm so glad. Too bad I didn't get to meet him, but I guess that'll be for next time. :3 I'm just so happy you guys finally got to meet.


                Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                It sounds like you guys had a great time and I'm so glad. Too bad I didn't get to meet him, but I guess that'll be for next time. :3 I'm just so happy you guys finally got to meet.
                Yeah, I thought about you when we passed Community Coffee. I should have stopped in, but I really wasn't sure if that was the one you worked at or if you were working at the moment. Thanks for the support.


                  Originally posted by CynderAngel View Post
                  Yeah, I thought about you when we passed Community Coffee. I should have stopped in, but I really wasn't sure if that was the one you worked at or if you were working at the moment. Thanks for the support.
                  No, I wasn't working unfortunately. I'm so glad you guys had fun at Build A Bear, though.


                    I was supposed to respond to this over a week ago but I kept putting it off because I'm lazy and had got caught up in some things so I'm doing so now.

                    As Marla has said already, we had been in our relationship for 1 year and 5 months. I was arriving one day after our anniversary. The night before I left, Tuesday, we stayed up together on webcam until 3:30 my time and then I had to leave. I remember what she said, "Hurry up and get out of there!" haha, so I did that. I hurried and on the nearly two hour long car ride to the airport I just used my Zune HD to listen to music and kill time. By the time I made it to the airport it was about 5:15 AM. My mom was a little worried because she obviously doesn't know Marla or her family. I had to assure her multiple times that everything would be fine. She finally left and then I checked in my stuff and sat down for a while in the main lobby. I didn't feel like walking to my gate because I wasn't boarding until 6:30am. Around 6:00AM I finally decided to go through security which only took a moment and I headed off for my gate. I then got on the interwebz with my Zune and sent Marla a message that I was about to board and then I stuffed it in my pocket and waited for what seemed to be an eternity before they finally started the boarding process. We took off at about 7:00 AM and the lady next to me wouldn't be quiet so I just decided to talk to her. She FINALLY fell asleep on the flight and I was happy about that. I was looking out the window for a long time and when we got above the clouds it was beautiful and the first thing that came to my mind was Marla. I thought of her when I saw the clouds and sunrise because it reminded of what I imagine heaven to look like and Marla is my angel. I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep but before I knew it we were landing in NC in 15 minutes. So I turned off my Zune HD and cell phone and waited for us to land.

                    When I got off of the plane I was in Charlotte, NC. It was about 7:50am and I had only 30 minutes to get to my gate and ready because we were boarding. So I had to walk ALLLLL the way to one side of the airport to see the boarding times and gate numbers and then to only go all the way back from where I came because that's where my flight was boarding. =/ I sat down and waited for what seemed to be easily an hour when some of the flight peeps for my plane kept asking people to not board our plane since there were too many people on it. They offered $250 dollars to anyone that would wait another day for the same flight or for anyone that would take a flight to New Orleans instead of Baton Rouge. I refused multiple times to do that but they insisted on asking over and over. Finally it was time to board and I did so, obviously. =p I was glad there wasn't a really talkative old person next to me but I had soon wished there was instead of crying babies for the whole trip. =/ Even though the crying babies were right next to me I was going in and out of sleep because I hadn't really slept in a few days and I had taken my medications. I kept checking the time and at one point I thought it was 11:30 because I forgot the time zone change. When I arrived at the airport it was before my 10:33 AM arrival time. I looked around for Marla but didn't see her so I decided to try to call her cell with no luck. So I decided to go get my stuff and then look for her. On my way to baggage claim I saw her and her parents sitting down. She was messing with some book thingy I wasn't concerned with. I just waved to her parents and then said hi and as she looked up we hugged nice and long. We got my stuff and headed off to their car and threw my stuff in the trunk. Marla and I sat in the back seat and cuddled. Within a few minutes she had given me her graduation ring (which I haven't taken off). It took about 20 minutes or so to get to Olive Garden and we had foodems, yummy foodems I might add. I didn't eat too much because I never do. After the meal we left and it took a little under an hour to get to her home.

                    She showed me around her house a little bit and her doggies noticed me. Noelle was nice to me, she was tooooo loving. =p Though that's not a bad thing. Angel wasn't so nice at first but she wasn't really threatening. Don't kill me Marla boo if I spelt your dogs names wrong. D=> Anywho... we left a few minutes after we got to her house to go see the movie Tangled. Awesome movie. Though because we got confused with directions we didn't make it to the 1:15 showing so we waited for the 1:45 showing. We sat in the middle near the top and some little kid kept kicking the back of my seat and it was really annoying and Marla noticed and asked if I wanted to move so we did. We moved to the right side and the chairs we choose happened to have a bunch of spilt soda beneath them. Very nice of the people not to clean it up. We cuddled and enjoyed the movie and when it was over we went back to her house and cuddled on the couch for a long time. It was awesome.

                    The next day, Thanksgiving day, we spent a lot of time cuddling on their couch again but around mid-afternoon we left for her aunts house for thanksgiving dinner. I met lots of her family that day before the dinner. We went and spent some time with her grandparents, they were nice people. Also spent some time with her aunt before the dinner, also a nice lady. I liked her family quite a lot, they made me feel welcome. At the dinner we sat with a foreign exchange student from Germany and two of her cousins. He cousins were very quiet but Marla let me know that they always are. I ate as much as I could because it was all good (and Marla kept saying they were all bad cooks. D=>) and I had some of Marla's oreo balls. Mmm... those were soooo good. We went back to Marla's after taking some things back and forth for her mom since we were done eating and we cuddled and kissed lots. =) yay. We went to her church that night and I met lots of people. I said that I was thankful for such a wonderful girlfriend and I truly am. I love her more than anything. We went back to her house and she put in some movie but didn't really watch it since we were mostly kissing and cuddling the whole time. =D

                    The next day was Black Friday and we went to the mall and to Build-a-Bear workshop, the mall was huge and there were too many people for my taste since I'm kinda of a loner. But I didn't mind at the time since I was with Marla. At the shop, she got me a wolf and named it Hobo after a German Sheppard I used to have, I miss that dog. And I got her a cute bunny with more pink on it than I noticed on other thingy-ma-bobs and named it Lilly. After that, we went to Copeland's and I decided to try her favorite sandwich and then we shared a piece of the best cheesecake ever. We got back to her house and her dog Angel was finally warmed up to me a bit. She let me pet her and she actually played with me for a little bit =O It was awesome and weird all at the same time. I'm just good like that. :3 Her parents left us alone after taking a few pictures for us and we cuddled and kissed all night long. We tried to watch How to Train your Dragon but that didn't happen. I was too busy nomming on her beautiful face. =D

                    The next day was my last night there and I hated that it was. D=> We went to a Renaissance Festival and watched some weird guys dance and sing and saw a joust. I was having lots of fun but a stupid hornet stung the crap out of me as I was trying to get it out of Marla's hair. I just wanted to hulk smash it but I wouldn't dare do that if there was any risk of her getting hurt so I never got my revenge. It flew away somewhere. D=< Grr... Marla also got us a matching pair of necklaces and they're pretty. :3 Anyways, we spent the rest of the day doing nothing but cuddling but we also played three games. Mouse trap (I beat her =3) LoTR Monopoly (I won again) and Clue (I was destroyed). She put on the movie clue that night but we didn't watch any of it, again, too busy kissing and all the good stuff. We cuddled all night and it was amazing. That night, I decided to give her my Zune HD. She had told me before that she needed a new MP3 player so I gave her that. I hope she likes it, I loved that thing. (I need to buy another one =p) I also gave her my favorite hoody and I left behind my body wash and shampoo. She also has a sock that I lost. =p That night we fell asleep cuddling on the couch and her mom woke us up around 4am so we could get ready to leave for the airport. On the way there, we sat in the back and cuddled and many tears were shed. At the airport, we hugged and kissed each other goodbye and parted ways. I looked back for her but the stairs got in the way of my view. D=< I got past security and was waiting for my flight and it took a lot of my strength to hold back all of my tears. It was a long two flights home but that night I saw her on webcam and we were smiling and laughing so much, it was almost as if we never parted.

                    And that was the best time of my life. I love Marla! And she completes me. :3 I can't wait to spend forever and ever with her.



                      What a great break = I'm glad to hear you had so much fun! I'm a huge fan of renaissance festivals myself. They aren't common in his country, so I took him to one. He thought it was amusing.

                      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                        That trip definitely sounds great We went to the Renaissance festival in Hammond last year when I visited my SO for thanksgiving ^^; I bought my SO a bear necklace that he adored!


                          how fun! Sounds like you guys had a great time. I am so happy for you both. It was fun to read Chris's side of it also


                            Chris is so sweet to me. :3

