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    i guess i am just feeling a lil down today about this whole long distance thing. Okay i have only known my SO for like six months now, we worked a summer together both of us being away from home. It started as friends, slowly got closer and realized we like each other over the summer. Well summer came to and end, so i thought would our relationship, nope we talk and text all day long every day. Miss each other so much, we have been apart for almost 2 moths now, Which seems like forever ago. Its hard adjusting from having someone with you almost all day everyday. Well and this is my first relationship i have been in so this is oh so complicated for me.

    I guess my problem is it normal to think that it is not gonna work out? then i get so freaked that its not gonna work out that I start thinking i dont wanna even talk to my SO. Is this normal for people

    Also i tell SO when ever i am having problems, should i be doing this?

    Also, why is it that SO can no matter how hard i try to push SO out of my life so we dont talk try to get rid of SO. SO just pushes back even more and lets me know they are there for me.

    Hi there!!! Welcome!

    Pushing one away to see if they will stick around is a game I played for a long time...till I got burned bad. NOT a way to live. Please trust me. LDR's are hard..and take a lot of work. MY best advice for your life...maintain your own life and having him in your life will add to your life ...maintain your independence..yet be open to love.

    Communication is key.
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Welcome to the forum. Karringtyn's right in saying that playing the push-away game will get you hurt in the end. Eventually they'll get tired of the head games and move on to someone who isn't afraid to give the difficulty that is an LDR a chance. It sounds like you really want to be with your SO. Don't worry about if it will or won't work out. Don't worry about tomorrow, take care of today, love as much as you can, and on the chance it doesn't work out in the end, at the very least you tried and aren't left wondering of what could have been by doing what you are now.


        Welcome to the forums! You've stumbled upon a great place for support/advice.

        Karringtyn and I had a very similar conversation just the other day and so I'm going to agree with her.

        It's good that you are able to talk about your problems with your SO. I am going through a LOT of crap right now with an ex, work, school, you name it and I dump a lot on him. I always get a bit nervous when I've just thrown all of my cards on the table that I am completely and totally overwhelming him with all of my issues but he says that it's really the only way he can be there for me right now and to keep them coming.

        LDR's are a lot of work. It's difficult to figure out exactly how your LDR is going to work, the setup and whatnot, and then it's a constant effort on everyone's part. Just make sure you have support. ALWAYS let your SO know how you are feeling... This weekend, we came up with a code word for my SO to tell me whenever he feels like I am pushing him away as I usually don't realize it until after the fact. Point Park was where our first date started. So every time I push him away, he's going to say "Point Park" and not only will it let me know that I am pushing him away but it will also make me think of that awesome day where I fell in love with my SO.

        We are here for you!


          Do NOT push him away. Do not think it won't work out because of the distance.....It can work out, but you both have to have your mind set on it and really know it's right. You both have to work extra hard to make the distance work, but it can..don't give up!! ♥♥

