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When your SO leaves...

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    When your SO leaves...

    So, as most of you know, my SO came to visit me for the first time this weekend. I'm always traveling up there because it just works best for us... What I'm wondering is...

    What does it feel like when your SO leaves?

    How do you deal with it?

    I'm not taking it so well (clearly, just read my blog) and I'm in need of some serious anecdotes.

    What does it feel like when your SO leaves?
    I feel really sad. I usually cry my eyes out the rest of the night.
    How do you deal with it?
    My solution may not be the best, but I let myself cry and be sad. I usually put on one of his shirts, his jacket, crawl into bed, and watch a romantic sappy movie. It gives me more of an excuse to cry.
    LFAD Book Reading Challenge: 3/25
    -Book's finished: Dreamfever, Time Enough For Love, Oceans Apart

    -Currently Reading: Dark Lover by J.R. Ward, The Shack


      What does it feel like when your SO leaves?
      I usually hard I cry depends on how long until I see him next haha
      How do you deal with it?
      I just start figuring out when one of us can travel next. Start looking at plane tickets and such...probably not the smartest thing but it's what I do lol


        I miss him before he's even out of my sight. Usually just start planning when we can see eachother again.. Think about everything we did during the day.. He was here on Saturday and he kissed me in the snow under this tree, and last night I spent about 15 minutes standing in that spot with my eyes closed just remembering. I think you can't really do anything when they leave.. You just. look forward to next time.
        Although this distance breaks my heart,
        And it's unbearable when we're apart,
        I know that it will all be fine,
        As my heart is yours,
        And yours is mine.. <3


          What does it feel like when your SO leaves?
          -Like, a really hard slap in the face. Like everything is back to sqaure one. Its a horrible feeling.

          How do you deal with it?
          I cry, and mope, and ignore everybody. Probably not the best way to deal, but its the only thing I am able to do. I surround myself with anything of his that I can, and just... ache.
          -Granted, I've only been through this once, and the anticipation of weither or not it'll be 60 times worse next time I leave him already scares me.

          I'm not taking it so well (clearly, just read my blog) and I'm in need of some serious anecdotes.
          -Feel better :/ dont be a dummy like I am and actually spend time with people you love, distract yourself and look forward to the next time you'll be able to see him. You should also be pretty thankful that you get to love somebody so much that leaving them is devistating. Its a good and bad feeling, but.. just keep distracted.

          Im here if ya need anything.


            Originally posted by kymccloud View Post
            My solution may not be the best, but I let myself cry and be sad. I usually put on one of his shirts, his jacket, crawl into bed, and watch a romantic sappy movie. It gives me more of an excuse to cry.


              Originally posted by Stephanieeee View Post
              thats exactly what i do too.. lol
              I believe that two people are connected at the heart and it doesn't matter what you do or who you are or where you live. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together - Julia Roberts


                What does it feel like when your SO leaves?
                I cry (with her scarf she gave me ) and I ask a lot of question to myself while I cry... Silly ones like "Is our relationship going to bring us somewhere?..."

                How do you deal with it?
                I cry, I think, and when it's "passed" I speak with my mother to get some advices and to clear my mind...

                PS : I sleep with that scarf every night... I wonder how will it be in summer :o


                  I cry and cry and cry. I don't handle it well at all. But of course my dear already know this...
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    What does it feel like when your SO leaves?

                    Hmm, I seem to be different then other people here, but I'm fine, cheerful even I get all optimistic and hopeful and excited for the future. Maybe it's because we see eachother fairly often or because I know where this is going in the end and I have no doubts that we're going to survive the distance. Besides, I sort of enjoy the distance because I love the feeling you get after not being able to see your SO for a long time and then finally being back in their arms, it makes everything worth it, so I know that the distance is good for us.

                    How do you deal with it?

                    I clean up, do laundry, maybe work on homework, watch a movie, whatever I feel like doing. If I'm the one leaving, I have to spend 9 hours on a bus home, so I just sleep the whole way. We text eachother, and things just go back to the way they were. It's not a sad time for either of us, because the missing eachother feelings don't even really kick in for at least 2 weeks.


                      What does it feel like when your SO leaves?
                      I feel horrible and incredibly lonely and just unmotivated to do anything!

                      How do you deal with it?
                      I try my best to keep busy, do some things that make me happy like watch a favorite movie or tv show, the sadness wears off in a day or two.

                      Madly in love with Michael


                        My SO just left on Saturday! We spent a wonderful week together, but after I dropped him off at the airport I suddenly felt extrememly lonely. I started crying on my way back home. It's always hard for me when my SO leaves. I think it's easier on him because he has to focus on the plane ride home and getting through security so it doesn't affect him as much. But I know exactly what you're going through at the moment


                          *sighs* i only experianced this a few months ago and it was not a nice feeling :/ i felt like my heart and everything else was ripped out of my body, i felt so hallow inside for a few weeks i still feel like that, i wont be completely whole until im in her arms again! It's gonna be really hard to leave her again after my time is up. How did i deal with it? I curled up in a ball on my bed and sobbed, her leaving was the worst pain ive ever felt in my life i did alot of crying especially on that day i didnt stop for hours even screamed a few times "please come back!!!" so yeah thats how i dealt with it


                            What does it feel like when your SO leaves?

                            I'm not much of a crier, but when we have to part again, I'll be on a little roller coaster of emotion. I might feel happy and excited about our relationship and the adventure that it brings me. I also tend to cry because I miss him so much. It's just a jarring difference between being with him and being without.

                            How do you deal with it?

                            I just go through the feelings. I tend to write when I have a lot on my mind. It really seems to help me and helps me think a little more clearly. As soon as the plane lands and I can make contact with him again, I feel a lot better.

                            Married: June 9th, 2015


                              I'm a crier...and it takes me some time to adjust to being by myself again. I have some of his deodorant that I'll take the cap off and let it linger in the air so I can still smell him Luckily, the sadness is kind of lmited to night time only since I have my son to keep me preoccupied the rest of the time.

